Port. Summer views - A Visual Story Part 4 (10 Photos)
4th set of photos of Klaipeda Port aquatory. Now crossing the gulf back home with a small ferry and still in perfect warm sunset colors
Natural light only. Long tele-photo lens
Category | Nature |
Camera | Canon 7D / Tamron 16-300mm / Natural light |

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Your photos are very nice, my favorite is the last one, the contrast between the water and the boat looks great.
Wow.. very nice pictures...are u in merchant Navy...
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Puedo sentir el viento en mi cara y escuchar el sonido de las embarcaciones con tan solo observar esas imágenes. Excelentes disparos bro.
¡Soy fan de tu manera de ver el mundo!
This are great photos, WOW nature have it all for us, a mere viewing at this pictures is calming to the mind. Thanks for sharing with us!
Beautiful red and blue hues.
todas las fotos se ven bellisima