Daybook 17 января 2024: winter swimming in the ice hole / зимнее купание в проруби

in WORLD OF XPILAR9 months ago


English version below

Привет, друзья!

Сегодня я решил заморозить вас до самых костей.
Есть у меня такая традиция - хожу в баню по понедельникам.
Кто читает, тот уже в курсе.

На этот раз я решил показать вам нечто необычное.
Сейчас начинается подготовка к празднику Крещения (19 января).
Так совпало, что в этот день я родился.
Значит мне придётся... нырять в ледяную прорубь.
Сегодня за бортом было -20С...

Так вот... в этот понедельник я репетировал :)
Себя я показывать не буду, чтобы не шокировать уважаемую публику... да
Я прихватил с собой телефон и вот что из этого получилось.

Выйдя из бани вам предстоит преодолеть первую полосу препятствий - дорогу.
Это обычная автомобильная дорога, но можно попасть и под колёса.



Далее тропа ведёт вас к деревянному причалу.
О, там уже есть один герой...


Но мы не будем его смущать.
А вот и сам "причал".


Как видите, вокруг проруби уже положены доски. На них в праздник будут стоять... спасатели :)


Я снимаю халат, кладу его на эти доски и захожу в воду с телефоном...

Я боялся уронить телефон в воду и надо было делать всё быстро.
Температура воды примерно +5С и это слегка непривычно :)
Поэтому навести нормальную резкость было трудно (ещё и без очков)



Но зато вы можете видеть причал глазами бобра :))

P.S. Когда я закончил съёмку, положил телефон на халат, я решил окунуться с головой для равномерности.
Вы не поверите, но для головы вода казалась тёплой как летом :))


Hello friends!

Today I decided to freeze you to the bone.
I have such a tradition - I go to the sauna on Mondays.
Those who read already know.

This time I decided to show you something unusual.
Preparations for the feast of Epiphany (January 19th) are now beginning.
Coincidentally, I was born on this day.
So I have to... diving into an ice hole.
Today it was 20C overboard...

And so... this Monday I was rehearsing :)
I will not show myself, so as not to shock the respected audience ... yes
, I took my phone with me and that's what happened.

After leaving the bathhouse, you will have to overcome the first obstacle course - the road.
This is an ordinary highway, but you can get under the wheels.



Then the trail leads you to a wooden pier.
Oh, there's already one hero there...


But we won't embarrass him.
And here is the "pier" itself.


As you can see, planks have already been laid around the hole. They will be standing on them during the holiday... Rescuers :)


I take off my robe, put it on these boards and go into the water with my phone...

I was afraid to drop my phone into the water and I had to do everything quickly.
The water temperature is about +5C and it is slightly unusual :)
Therefore, it was difficult to bring normal sharpness (even without glasses)



But you can see the pier through the eyes of a beaver :))

P.S. When I finished shooting, I put the phone on my robe, I decided to plunge headlong for uniformity.
You won't believe it, but for the head the water seemed warm as in summer :))

All photos are clickable, I recommend turning on night mode for viewing

Все фотографии кликабельны, для просмотра рекомендую включить ночной режим.

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright


100% SP - manual translation to SP( except for the prize fund #photo-process)


 9 months ago 

Advance birthday wishes tc

 9 months ago 

Thanks kindly @crafter 🤗

 8 months ago (edited)

Thank you @crafter for supporting @wox-helpfund

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 8 months ago 

Thank you so much sir

 9 months ago 

That is awesome …. I hope there was a Sauna after this plunge. Or at least some vodka or whiskey

 9 months ago 

You're absolutely right))
I went to the sauna from the ice hole, and when I came home... I have a hand-made vodka, about 55 degrees of strength. This is a good prevention for possible colds))

 9 months ago 

Yes. I avoid colds, flu, Covid with Saunas and whiskey each day

 8 months ago 

You are a hero))
Every day sauna is a load on the heart, every day whiskey is a load on the liver...🤣 😂😅
Drink maple syrup, cranberries, ginger and brew chaga.👍
And pour ice water on yourself in the morning :-)

 8 months ago 

Ha ha … that’s very true. You’re way is much better

 8 months ago 

🤣 😂😅🍄

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 8 months ago 

Thanks for stopping by and support :-)


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through Curation Team#2. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.

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 8 months ago (edited)

Thanks for stopping by and support :-)

 8 months ago 

The pleasure is all mine! ☕

 8 months ago 

🖐 😊👌

 8 months ago 

У бобра-именинника как-то взор слегка затуманился) Здоровья!

 8 months ago 

Я пытался навести фокус, но это же телефон, он живёт своей жизнью. Пока фокус ловил, чуть не замёрз в проруби)))
И вам здравы, именинница))

 8 months ago 

Happiest birthday... Assuming it's still 19th December on your side!
In other case a slightly belated happy birthday 🎂🎈🥳

Are you people on suicide mission here? How do you survive this much cold? And that shirtless man or boy, is he ok? What kind of heroes are you?
I read in comments that you went to sauna afterwards. No amount of sauna will cure this kind of cold for me.
You people are definitely from "other" part of the world 😆

 8 months ago 

Thank you for the congratulations, the birthday continues, I just saw off my children and grandchildren after our meeting)) My apartment is still intact))

How we survive... we just live in these conditions and they are not the most severe... Believe me, it's not Siberia yet))


 8 months ago 

For those people in bath costumes, well, a standing ovation from me!

Hats off to you for keeping your lives as normal as they can be even in such harsh winters.

Wish you all the health and happiness:)

 8 months ago 

thank you, we are trying))