Rule Of One Step Ahead
One step ahead world, cruel world
World is revealing it's face, real face
Are you seeing what is real? World's face is real
Why now? What time is now?
One command works everywhere, it's written and it's there
Coded in consciousness, weird consciousness
Exist in two worlds, one physical and one metaphysical world, two worlds
One real world, one dream world.
They chose twisting of words, edited words
To change rules, old rules
Older than that, far than that
Never reaching there, not there.
One step ahead occupied whole land, life's land
This is the story of land, actual land
No assumptions here, no stories here
Actual reality, happened reality.
Living in illusionary world, real but rules making it Illusionary world
This illusion is cruelty, forced cruelty
Gift of old generations, all generations
Collective consciousness choosing what is ahead, rule of one step ahead.