Knock knock I'm 2022, what can I do for you?

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

There are a few hours left until 2022 knocks on your door. How do you feel? Happy? Peaceful? Excited? Bored? Tired? Restless? Hopeful?

The habit that many people have to put such a pressure on themselves to make sure that the end of the year goes perfectly consumes them. Utterly tired, they drag themselves to all sorts of gatherings in hopes for a better New Year. I have been in that place, where the end of the year would leave me drained and somehow hollow. Why the end matters so much? Is this a way of overcompensating for a year where we had fun way too little?

I recently listened to a great podcast of Jay Shetty where we were invited to put some good questions for the end of 2021. I did take 1 hour from my life to complete the exercise, write down my feelings and re-evaluate the story of my life from this year. You can find the podcast here

I do think that the past is important as we can learn some lessons if we are honest with ourselves. I think that focusing on the future can bring hope. But the present moment is the only palpable thing that we really have. I could easily ask all of you what do you wish for 2022 and the probability of that list containing only good things is huge. Nobody wants misfortune, disappointments, failures, heartbreaks or losses. The funny thing is that life has both of the good and bad. And the person that I am today exists because of the misfortunes too. I came to experience a sort of gratitude for everything that has happened to me, understanding that it was all part of a bigger plan and that somehow, in a strange twisted way, everything bad that happened to me was in fact for my greater good.


If I would have to put a tag on 2021 it would be resilience. I am a tough cookie and I am not saying this with pride or arrogance. A hard cookie with a soft inside. Life has shaped me in such a way that I had to endure hardships from an early age. Maybe I grew up with a notion that life is hard therefore I made it harder. But is this necessarily bad? It can be because when you are so toughened up it is hard to ask and accept help. It can be good in extreme situations where only a strong mindset will keep you sane. Literally. Have you ever been inside the insanity of your own mind? If you were, you know what I am talking about.

If you would have to put a single word as a tag for 2021, which word would that be? What is underneath that word? I will tell you: the vision you have for the world. Your choices will be according to your vision, whether you realize it or not.

Throughout my humble 31 years of existence I came to desire many things as life passed by: appreciation, money, health, respect, love, status, beauty, possesions, experiences etc. You name it, I wanted it badly at a certain point. Most likely you wanted them all too. I still have wordly desires but I now know what to prioritize and how to keep my inner peace while pursuing my goals. But now, as I look at the clock ticking and 2022 getting closer, I realize that what I want the most I already have: inner peace. I never looked for that in particular and yet it was the only thing that I truly needed. The feeling of being whole on your own, regardless of your status. The feeling that you have a peaceful energy that protects you and heals you. I value the most now ( I didn't always) PEACE. Inner peace. Peaceful people. Peaceful situations and choices. And this state comes with other spiritual assets like silence, tranquility, love, happiness.

In the foggy woods, where I feel I truly belong


Looking back now I realize that almost nothing truly valuable will ever come & stay in the absence of peace. If it's troubling you, making you miserable or super agitated then you should take a break and rethink the situation. The things, the people, the choices that are right for you will always lead you towards a feeling of peace, calm, safety. True love feels safe, a good career feels nice to have, a genuine friend will ooze calm and serenity. Anything other than that are Ego's attempts to surround itself with things that look good because it is our Ego which feels insecure and hungry for validation.

If I should put a tag on 2022 it would be dreams. A couple of days ago a song popped on the radio and I was instantly carried away in my teen years, the years filled with hope, ambitions, desires, innocence. And I remember who I was back then and how the same person is still here, in me. A dreamer. A head-in-the-clouds kind of a girl who will think that everything is possible. Who will not listen to the naysayers and who will do whatever she feels like doing even if the world around her thinks she is mad and weird. This song remembered me that it is the dreamer that we always need in our lives, the little dose of good insanity which makes you full with life and goals and desire. It is that innocent inner child who dreams big. Who wants and thinks that everything is possible.

I know who I was and who will I be in 2022. A DREAMER. What's your choice? Don't think the answer, feel it. It is then when you find the right answer.

For all my steemit out there

P.S. I had a journal waiting for me to write in it for almost two years. I kept staring at it occasionaly, thinking what should I write. Every time when a happy event popped in, I never felt it was enough and fulfilling. Today I managed to write in it, knowing that I have reached another level in which the spiritual soul guides me more than my rational mind. And from the spiritual inner me stem all of the great things I experienced since... forever. If you think about it, all of our life is like a journal, we get to decide when and what to write. Will you dare to read your own story?...



The time has come to build our own steem power

 3 years ago 

Happy New Year :))

 3 years ago 

happy New Year friend

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 3 years ago 

happy New Year

 3 years ago (edited)

Deleted as user is an Identity Fraud!

 3 years ago 

happy New Year

This sounds interesting. The CreativeMary on HIVE is claiming the CreativeMary on SteemIt is a fake.

This picture shows both authors. They look similar.


Which CreativeMary do you think is the real creativemary. They look similar but looks can be deceiving.

The HIVE Creative Mary is 23 moons old.

The Steem Creative Mary is 19 moons old.

 3 years ago 

Friend you have a double account

Yes, I have accounts on SteemIt, Blurt and HIVE. I recommend that all users register on each of the platforms to reduce chances of identity theft. Everyone before the hardfork has duplicate accounts.

There is nothing wrong with using a name registered on HIVE. But you were using her images as well.

BTW, if you wanted to do something nice, you could give @creativemary on HIVE the owner key to the account so that she could take control of it.

 3 years ago 

you do fraud since you publish your blog twice on a different website


I publish MY CONTENT on 12 sites - it is not fraud.
You steal those images from Hive user and steal her identity - this is named fraud. simple as that.

This is not your acocunt and stop using it!