Change of Seasons

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 days ago

Hard to believe it is already October!

I look outside and I can definitely see and feel that it is no longer summer; the days are looking more and more gray and mornings are getting colder.


One of the ways I can always tell that seasons are changing is that I start getting road service updates from the highway department, concerning the condition of the roads across our major mountain passes.

This is the time when outdoor activities and gardening give way to cozy indoor activities. In a sense, I am looking forward to that... although I am not a big fan of hefty heating bills of winters here. It's perhaps just a sign of the times that we keep the house somewhat cooler, just to save a few hundred dollars a month.

It would be nice to think that the 4th quarter has historically been pretty good for the cryptosphere, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one!


Typically, the next three months also accounts for 30-40% of my annual work and self-employment income, so it's going to be "nose to the grindstone" for me, for the next three months!

It certainly would be nice if aforementioned Cryptosphere rallied a bit, because this has been a difficult year, so far, at least financially speaking.

On a "smaller" scale, I am still pursuing my personal goal of getting back to 10,000SP before the end of 2024; that might be a tough one to reach, unless there's an uptick in things.

I'm hoping, but not expecting!


Somewhere in there, I also need to find time to "winterize" our garden... cleaning out all the dead bits from the raised beds and putting down mulch and fertilizer so we have have top notch vegetables next year.

If all our plans come to pass, 2025 will sadly be the last year of growing our vegetable garden, because 2026 is set to be "moving time" to a smaller and more economical living situation. Whereas it has been fun and rewarding, there is just too much to be taken care of here, and the maintenance expenses are getting out of hand.

Life is expensive!

Not sure what the Presidential election and a new president will do for the economy and the world... but I am reaching a point where I feel like we can count on nothing, sadly.


And so, I get myself ready to keep working, and to hopefully catch up a little bit. And, who knows, maybe it will be a really good quarter!

In the meantime, much gratitude to everyone who reads these pages on a regular basis, and I hope you'll continue to do so.

Have a great rest of your week!

How about you? How has YOUR 3rd quarter been? Do you think we'll have an upturn in crypto, between now and the end of December? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2024.10.02 00.13 PDT