Outside Our Normal Path

in WORLD OF XPILAR8 days ago

These days, I have been giving a lot more attention to my artistic/creative endeavors than to my "usual" daily routines.


In many ways it's a really nice change because I get to do something I wish I could do full time, but can't justify doing because it tends to not be materially income producing. In December, however, we participate in several Holiday Market events, where the time spent vs. Income generated equation makes more sense.

The whole thing makes me reflect on the way we often end up getting very locked in to our known and trusted ways. Whether that's a good thing or not is open to discussion, of course, but it does make me a little more aware of the risks of getting stuck and even feeling trapped by the patterns of our own making.


I know that — from my own perspective — that much of that stuck feeling is financially motivated, in the sense that when you're living "on the edge," on a day-to-day basis, it's difficult to summon the courage to leave the "adequately reliable" for something untested that might be very emotionally and spiritually rewarding, but won't necessarily help you pay the bills.

Of course "courage" is a multifaceted concept!

For example, I have never really thought of myself as "courageous" yet a lot of people tell me that I am, simply because I chose to be self-employed rather than work a regular 9-5 job with a steady paycheck.

Most of the time I have no idea where my next $100 is going to come from.


But that is pretty much my normal path. I know it well, in all its inconsistencies, even if it leaves me in a state of perpetual anxiety.

This experience of working entirely with my artwork for a few weeks is a different feeling because it is uncharted territory to depend on it as an income producing venture. I have no evidence that it could "work," so that makes it scary.

It's that unknown that makes it scary... is is the case with much of the human experience; we fear the unknown. Well, most of us do...

I was never one of those people who deliberately seek out change and risk.


For me, confidence in the new grows from succeeding with it... and perhaps my hesitation comes from a history of rarely succeeding... and often failing, and even more often ending up just "mildly disappointed."

Even so, I might have to reinvent myself, relatively soon!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week ahead!

How about you? Do you do wee outside your comfort zone? Are you a risk taker? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2024.12.15 23:42 PST