Technology is Great... But I am STILL Not Going to Blog on my Phone!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

I understand and appreciate that there are lots of people in the world who do pretty much everything online from their smartphone.


I am not one of those people.

Yesterday, I took Mrs. Denmarkguy to the airport. From where we live, that requires a ferry trip across the Puget Sound, and at the moment that is a bit dodgy because the State Ferry system is having extensive staffing problems... meaning that some sailings are canceled because there is no crew.

After dropping off Mrs. D. at Everett airport, I returned to the ferry terminal, only to be met with the reality that I would have to wait somewhat more than two hours for the next available crossing. It's about a 22-minute crossing, and usually the ferries run every 40 minutes or so.

Shot from the lower car deck on the ferry...

So, with nothing else to occupy my time, I decided to have a go at writing a blog post on my phone.

I have to say that it was one of the slowest, most labor-intensive and frustrating experiences I have had in a long time. Of course, keep in mind that I am probably not like most people who use their phones: I care about things, like capitalization, grammar, punctuation, emphasis, paragraphs, formatting, headers and such. Still, working with such a tiny screen and keyboard when trying to create a post... and crop and color correct photos and double check them for focus so they look good when shown on someone's 32-inch monitor?

Yeah, that seriously sucks when you're trying to do it from a phone!


As it turned out, the ferry started boarding before I was finished, anyway... so in the end, I wound up just sending what I had written to myself to I could "clean it up" on my regular computer at home!

I expect the process is perhaps a lot easier for those who have never used anything besides their phone to access the web... but is also explains why a lot of posts and articles written from a phone often look like they were written on a phone... or at least some device where the author couldn't really see what they were doing.

Of course, our kids (early 30's) insist that I am "old fashioned" for even caring whether or not something is nicely formatted. "as long as you get the message, that's good enough..."

Sorry, but I disagree!


Should I ever get stuck again, I think I'll just stick to taking notes I can turn into something appropriate, once I get in front of my computer.

I guess I am just an "old fossil!"

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!

How about YOU? Do you do a lot of web work on your phone? Do you find it inconvenient for such things as illustrated blog posts? Or is your phone the only thing you use? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220813 01:41 PDT

 2 years ago 

Making a post with my mobile, it doesn't work for me.
My fingers only hit mistakes when I have to type with the keyboard on the mobile. It's hard enough to just send simple messages.
So yes, I am also "old fossil!"

 2 years ago 

Let's hear it for old fossils @xpilar!

Sincerely, it took me almost 90 minutes to "type" about 350 words on my phone, and add formatting. Granted, I'm not used to it... but I could do the same thing on my regular computer in 8-10 minutes. AND it would look better.

Hoping the Norwegian summer is decent, this year!

Agreed !

Steem posts are better when made with fingers not thumbs...

 2 years ago 

Thank you @steemcurator01, that was my first chuckle of the morning! I shall continue to use my fingers...