The history of music artists; The case of Maurice Ravel!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago


You know, Maurice Ravel was a visible and a known musician in the music period called for impressionism, where where was an impression or more than that, from the human nature and the nature while we were where we were, as we were humans as humans can be and always are.

So, an impression is something that is going to our human mind and being pressed into how we are framing the life while we are here, and we are just in the life to perceive things, and how things have happened and been manifested in actions while we are here, and the impression is just about what you and I think about the life and its environment while we are here.

Joseph Maurice Ravel was a French composer, pianist and conductor. And he is especially known for his orchestral works called for Boléro. So, what does the word Boléro really mean? Well, it is a Spanish dance characterized by sharp turns, stamping of the feet, and sudden pauses in a position with one arm arched over the head. And Boléro can also be a loose waist-length jacket open at the front. And Maurice Ravel is also known for the music piece called for Gaspard de la nuit, and this is often mentioned as the world's most important piece for solo piano, and for his arrangement of Musorgskijs Pictures from an exhibition.

You know, the inspiration in the music from Ravel when coming to shape and structure is coming from the neoclassicism, and there is also something coming from the jazz while we are here, and we are loving much in the life as it is coming, and we know, we are knowing and not knowing about the life and its environment when we are here. And Ravel was really the greatest French composer in the 1920s and in the 1930s in many countries, and also in France. But you know, there is an image of the music and what we are doing to any times anywhere while we are here, and we are here to appreciate and like the time while we are here where we are while we are where we are and were when we were here.

So, you are just selecting your life philosophy yourself in your life, and you are living and enjoying the time and the spaces while we are here, and we are here to do things as we want in the life while we are here, and we are using our human bodies with breathing and moving, and using our hearts and brains while we are here.

Short time after Maurice Ravel was born, he and his family moved to Paris, and you know here you are having the international and cultural impulses as things are when being here, and we are just in the life to appreciate and like the life just as the life is coming, being and leaving. And it is nice to live and to appreciate the life with all kinds of material and immaterial experiences when we are here where we are when we are selecting to be how we are, and we are as we are just relating to our dreams and experiences, and how we are from day to day, and it is not just ourselves that are changing, but also the sun light, and the nature around us, and the competence is just something you are putting in the heads when we are here, but we are ourselves, and we should be like we are.

(Joseph) Maurice Ravel was born in Ciboure, Basses-Pyrénées, on 7 March 1875, and he died in Paris on 28 December 1937, just being 62 years old. And he was a French composer and pianist, and he is reckoned as one of the most original and sophisticated musicians from the early 20. century. And he was the watchmaker of music when living the life alive when he was alive.

And the impression was in focus during the imprssionism, and as the philosopher David Hume wrote it in 1748, the impression is the immediate and unfiltered effect of hearing, seeing and feeling, and hence the humans are just using the senses as we have and change when we are here, and we are learning new things and/or things just been as they have ever been before.

And again some music as it was asked to be included! 😃

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