Dandelion field

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month

It's nice to realize your creative growth by reviewing your old archives. I always tell all novice photographers: do not delete your first photos, keep everything to the last! This is how you can then understand how you have changed your perception or upgraded your skill.


I photographed the dandelion field on film, then on the first digital DSLR...And now now. And the difference feels huge.

In general, I took pictures of dandelions as soon as I picked up the camera.

There was a period when they seemed trivial to me, I thought I had outgrown them.

And now I'm back to these wildflowers again, only in a completely different way.

I am constantly tormented by the question: how would my first photography teacher look at my pictures now?

I wonder if he would praise me for my non-standard approach or scold me for breaking a lot of rules?

..It's a pity, I'll never know.

On the other hand, it's good that I no longer need the approval or feedback of a particular photographer. I can already give feedback myself, which is what I am being asked more and more often.


Beautiful photos! I also enjoy photography (I just use my phone and am no pro lol). I think everyone's perception is different and it makes for a great variety of photos like you've shared 😍

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