En nuestro patio, jardín, huerto, sitio de reunión de amigos, lleno de brisa, olerss a flores y lindos recuerdos tuvimos una visita muy especial...un grillo. Pero no un grillo común sino un grillo enorme que muy gratamente se dejó fotografiar sin huir.
Una antigua superstición atribuye al canto del grillo en la casa el que "avisa" porque se acercan acontecimientos favorables. Esperemos que sea cierto.
Por lo que , por mi parte investigué en la web acerca de los grillos, son insectos muy agresivos a la hora de defender su territorio. Aunque sus patas están adaptadas para saltar sonalgo torpes en esto pero sí pueden correr a gran velocidad.
In our backyard, garden, orchard, and meeting place for friends, full of breeze, smells of flowers and beautiful memories, we had a very special visit ... a cricket. But not a common cricket but a huge cricket that was very pleasantly photographed without fleeing.
An old superstition attributes to the song of the cricket in the house the one that "warns" because favorable events are approaching. Hopefully that is true.
So, for my part, I researched on the web about crickets, they are very aggressive insects when it comes to defending their territory. Although their legs are adapted to jump they are somewhat clumsy in this but they can run at high speed.

El grillo no "canta", pues el sonido que emite lo produce frotando sus alas una contra la otra.
Las fotos las tomé con mi celular Vtelca y espero que hayan sido de su agrado.
The cricket does not "sing", since the sound it emits is produced by rubbing its wings against each other.
I took the photos with my Vtelca cell phone and I hope they have been to your liking.