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RE: Steemit Engagement Challenge WOX, S10W5: Collage of my Life

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

Estaba esperando esta semana para ver si venian con algo innovador pero es mas de lo mismo, es el tercer challenge con un collage, que ademas coarta la creatividad de las personas porque si no estan realizados como quiere la moderadora de concurso entonces no esta bien visto y de paso con críticas duras que desmotivan al participante que tiene que invertir en materiales, pegamento para dar lo mejor de si y salir con ganas de no volver, suerte a los que se atrevan a participar y que sus criticas sean constructivas y no destructivas como en otras oportunidades.

 last year 

It is noticeable that you have been waiting for a new round of the contest to leave a comment among the first. I respect your opinion, but I can't agree with it.
Creative potential cannot be limited. He either is, or he is not. It can only fail to be revealed.
Creating a collage just contributes more to the disclosure of creative potential, perhaps even more than drawing (many simply do not know how to draw and nothing can be done about it during the week. This skill requires more time and effort.
To create a collage, you need your imagination and willingness to embody it. Materials in most cases can be found at hand.
The moderator / organizer of the contest does not limit anyone to anything. There is a theme and a way to achieve the goal is announced - collage. It looks like you were inattentively reading the assignment if you could see the limitations... or just wanted to see them. It's not exactly fair play on your part.
You are an experienced participant in many competitions and I do not quite understand your position. Perhaps it is dictated by resentment?
I don't see constructive criticism in your comment... just an attempt to ruin the holiday. Sorry, but this is my opinion and it may be wrong.

Es notable que haya estado esperando una nueva ronda del concurso para dejar un comentario entre los primeros. Respeto su opinión, pero no puedo estar de acuerdo con ella.
La creatividad no se puede limitar. O lo es o no lo es. Es imposible descubrirlo.
Crear un collage es más propicio para desbloquear el potencial creativo, tal vez incluso más que el dibujo (muchos simplemente no saben cómo dibujar y no se puede hacer nada al respecto durante una semana. Esta habilidad requiere más tiempo y esfuerzo.
Para crear un collage necesita su imaginación y la voluntad de encarnarlo. Los materiales en la mayoría de los casos se pueden encontrar a mano.
El moderador / organizador del concurso no limita a nadie. Hay un tema y una forma declarada de lograr el objetivo: un collage. Parece que no leíste la tarea si pudiste ver las limitaciones... o simplemente querían verlos. No es exactamente un juego justo de tu parte.
Usted es un participante experimentado en muchos concursos y no entiendo completamente su posición. ¿Tal vez fue dictada por el resentimiento?
En su comentario no veo una crítica constructiva... sólo un intento de arruinar la fiesta. Lo siento, pero esta es mi opinión y puede estar equivocada.

Это заметно, что вы ждали новый раунд конкурса, чтобы оставить комментарий в числе первых. Я уважаю ваше мнение, но не могу с ним согласиться.
Творческий потенциал невозможно ограничить. Он либо есть, либо его нет. Его можно только не суметь раскрыть.
Создание коллажа как раз в большей степени способствует раскрытию творческого потенциала, возможно даже больше, чем рисунок (многие просто не умеют рисовать и с этим ничего не поделаешь в течении недели. Для этого умения нужно больше времени и усилий.
Для создания коллажа нужна ваша фантазия и готовность её воплотить. Материалы в большинстве случаев можно найти под рукой.
Модератор/организатор конкурса никого ни чем не ограничивает. Есть тема и объявлен способ достижения цели - коллаж. Похоже, что вы невнимательно читали задание, если смогли увидеть ограничения... или просто хотели их увидеть. Это не совсем честная игра с вашей стороны.
Вы опытный участник многих конкурсов и мне не совсем понятна ваша позиция. Возможно она продиктована обидой?
В вашем комментарии я не вижу конструктивной критики... только попытку испортить праздник. Извините, но это моё мнение и оно может быть ошибочным.

Hello friend @bambuka, to be fair, sometimes a little of what is broadcast was received, my countrywoman, express your feelings and opinions.
Perhaps with a more impersonal attitude, and more open to everyone, things will flow better for everyone, the creators of the contest and the participants.
We must stop taking everything personally.
Art is pure expression.
Artists are passionate, but they are smarter if they know how to take different roles.
Greetings and successes for this season.

I agree with both, and both are right.

 last year 

Hello @inspiration
All people are different, they have different knowledge, skills, skills and motivation in business. During contests, everyone is united by a theme and a task. At the same time, the rules of the game are specifically spelled out.
Some spend time and effort on organizing, others - on participation and all are waiting for some kind of return. The ideal game is when the organizers and participants honestly give their strength to the game. This can be seen immediately and there are no questions (except who turned out to be the best :).
When this balance is disturbed, various tensions and misunderstandings may arise. There may be emotional reactions.

Artists are passionate, but they are smarter if they know how to take different roles.

You're right, but artists are also more vulnerable people :)
I have already said here that I left my opinion about the situation under those posts. For me, this page is turned upside down. In order not to happen in the past, we need to live in the present and we have a good topic for the contest.
By the way, I invite you to take part in it :)

I agree with you, and I understand very well that sensitivity of which you speak.

You're right, everyone's effort can be seen, I've seen that too.

But, everything is summed up in this: tolerate a little hangover from the past, and not give up, to see good days 🌞

I support you because I love art, and of course, I will try to participate with pleasure. 🤗🌺

 last year 

In order to get a new drawing in a kaleidoscope, you need to rotate it :)
Development does not happen without tension.
Thank you for your support and welcome to the contest🌻
🖐 😊

That's right. The best is what happens.

Thank you😊

Resentimiento de ninguna manera solo objetividad cuando observamos la critica hacia los participantes, como por ejemplo esta bien pero ese color no me pareció, pero es con lo que contaba el participante que sabemos no somos artistas, solo hemos intentado salir de nuestra zona de confort, mucha suerte y espero que tengan mas entradas que la semana pasada, saludos y que esté muy bien.

 last year 

Entiendo que su comentario fue una reacción emocional a algunas afirmaciones bastante específicas que se expresaron innecesariamente emocionalmente. Ya dejé mi posición sobre esto bajo esos puestos competitivos y no me gustaría repetir aquí e inflar el viejo tema. Por lo general, paso la página y escribo una nueva historia.
Hubo muchas conversaciones serias sobre la evaluación de las solicitudes y sobre la motivación de algunos participantes... creo que todos sacaron las conclusiones correctas por sí mismos (no somos niños para mantener los resentimientos detrás de la mejilla).
Hay un nuevo concurso interesante por delante. Un gran tema y una buena oportunidad para que cada uno muestre su creatividad y habilidades de creador.
¿Por qué no te pruebas a TI mismo en este desafío, te invito : -)

I understand that your comment was an emotional reaction to several rather specific claims that were expressed unnecessarily emotionally. I have already left my position on this issue under those competitive posts and I would not like to repeat myself here and inflate the old topic. I usually turn the page and write a new story.
There were a lot of serious conversations about the evaluation of applications, and about the motivation of some participants... I think that everyone has made the necessary conclusions for themselves (we are not children to hold grudges by the cheek).
There is a new interesting competition ahead. A great theme and a good opportunity for everyone to show their creativity and creative abilities.
Why don't you try yourself in this challenge, I invite you :-)

Я понимаю, что ваш комментарий являлся эмоциональной реакцией на несколько довольно конкретных претензий, которые были выражены излишне эмоционально. Свою позицию по этому поводу я уже оставил под теми конкурсными постами и не хотел бы здесь повторяться и раздувать старую тему. Я обычно переворачиваю страницу и пишу новую историю.
Было много серьёзных разговоров и по поводу оценки заявок, и по поводу мотивации некоторых участников... я думаю, что каждый для себя сделал нужные выводы (мы же не дети, чтобы держать обиды за щекой).
Впереди новый интересный конкурс. Отличная тема и хорошая возможность для каждого проявить своё творческий потенциал и способности творца.
Почему бы и вам не попробовать себя в этом испытании, я приглашаю :-)


The challenges should be made for all public, to be part of this activity the communities must adapt to standard rules. For example, the Latino community is a community that only accepts content in Spanish or Portuguese, however, when we are part of this activity this rule is made more flexible and we welcome languages not contemplated in the guideline.

In the same way, limiting someone to participate in a contest because of their skills is the same as not accepting content that was not written in the main languages.

In my opinion, WOX participants are being limited through a kind of psychoterror with "constructive" criticism that should be done at a professional level and not at a general level, since not all of them are artists. And I'm not saying it without foundation (the numbers speak for themselves)

My invitation is to create friendlier contests that can be carried out by artists and not artists without complications, otherwise, I think that the implicit rules of inclusion that participating in this initiative requires are not being met.

cc @inspiracion @xpilar @steemcurator01 @karianaporras

 last year 

In the same way, limiting someone to participate in a contest because of their skills is the same as not accepting content that was not written in the main languages.

You can take part in the contest even if you don't know how to draw at all. But you have a desire to participate, to learn something. For training, the organizer made several master classes, lessons, gave links to them, showed examples from recognized artists. A lot of preliminary work has been done to prepare for the organization of this competition.
The organizer expects the same return from the participants (he has the right to do so). And if the participant tries, then he gets high-quality feedback (there was even a separate post for the participant who really tried). If the skills are weak, then the work is not disqualified, it is simply evaluated quite specifically.
Another thing is that the assessment should not have negative connotations, but we are all human beings and it does not always work out. And here I understand the resentment of the participant, but I also understand the emotions of the organizer.

If you perceive constructive criticism as psychoterror... I consider these contests not only as an opportunity to get curators' votes. In art competitions, I see first of all an opportunity for growth for participants. What's the use if my crooked drawing is praised? What conclusions will I draw from this? But if I receive critical comments and advice, then I will be able to take them into account in my future works. And that will be my growth. The only question is my motivation, why do I need these contests, for earnings or for growth.
Imagine a friendlier drawing contest where we will praise everything in a row and say how well done everyone is. Is this going to be a competition? A sad sight that is not even worth attention.
I agree that the form of criticism may be milder, but I repeat, there can be no growth without criticism.
I am fond of photography myself. You can't even imagine how happy I am when I am criticized and even scolded. I reject emotions and try to find my mistakes.

I don't want to convince you of anything or vice versa. It's just my opinion and I may be wrong.
Have a nice day.

Muy cierto.