Blitz contest -Guess the movie- round XXIV
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Blitz contest -Guess the movie-
Hello my dear!
As usual, my next puzzle did not seem to be something difficult for our experts. This time Mr. MChandra was a little late and was outstripped by Signora @sacra97, who found the correct key. 5 $теем prize!
Let's ask her to reveal the secret of her puzzle solving method!
However, Mr. Machandra gave an explanation of three points of the puzzle that were not noticed by the others. It deserves a 2 $теем prize.
Signor @oliveroluis142 expressed his warm agreement with the views of the participants and took an active part in the discussion. We welcome and thank the Signor for his active position!
Today I offer you a very simple puzzle in which an old American film with many world cinema stars is encrypted.
The contest is valid until the encrypted film is announced.
The prizes for next round:
1st place - 5 steem
2nd place - 2 steem
3rd place - 1 steem
I want to draw your attention to an interesting competition of my friends!
I remind you that the puzzle from round VI remains unsolved!
1st place - 3 steem

It's very easy! Solve the puzzle and take the prize!
The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post!
- Only one attempt per participant

We need sponsors!
And... we need some steem for prizes
Please support this contest!
Stand by

Sincerely yours
Wonderful and grateful for the award, the truth is that sharing creative spaces are unique, you have no idea how I amuse myself with these riddles looking for key words, important photographs, asking my son Do you know this movie and he tells me it is surely a very old one, haha.
Congratulations @mchandra an impeccable way of solving and exposing the points very neatly, I am sure that soon @oliveroluis142 will give us a good participation.
Grateful with my award @mister-omortson, super happy.
I see this very well resolved with all the exact details.
Maravilloso y agradecida con el premio la verdad que compartir estos espacios creativos son únicos, ustedes no tienen idea de como me divierto con estos acertijo buscando palabras claves, detallando fotografías, preguntandole a mi hijo Conoces esta pelicula y el me dice seguramente es una muy vieja, ja, ja.
Felicitaciones @mchandra una forma impecable de resolver y exponer los puntos muy ordenadamente, estoy segura que pronto @oliveroluis142 nos dara una buena participación se le ve interes.
Agradecida con mi premio @mister-omortson, súper feliz.
Este lo veo muy bien resuelto con todos los detalles exactos.
I will do some new!
We will continue here. But the insolvent puzzle makes me think ha ha ha @mister-omortson
My answer, movie is Once Upon A Crime.
On the way to Monte Carlo in train, a couple who are trying to return a lost dog to its mistress meet few other couples. The dog owner is murdered and these couples become the prime suspects.
@mchandra, I think I remember that movie there are 3 couples in total and the ones trying to return the dachshund are Julian and Phoebe who found it in rome and so they met and they meet two more couples and then they find the owner of the dog dead and the three couples are the main suspects, the roulette is from the casino in monaco where Neil is playing he is a compulsive gambler looking to win something big, the ticket and the amount that is to his left must be the reward that the owner of the dachshund would give him, I love crime and mystery movies
@mchandra how do you put the approach to solve the puzzle?? Teach me too
There is no one formula bro. Each of @mister-omortson's puzzles are challenging and different.
You need to try and relate the clues and hope to get lucky :-)
Right, the puzzle is really challenging despite that, you must follow certain criteria to solve the puzzle. Please enlighten us, it would really help us in solving the real-world problem too.
Iron Will (1994).
At first you need resteem my post and upvote!
Okay, Done!
Move name is once upon a crime.
But you are too late)