Beautiful sky this morning..

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago


Hello everyone. How are you all? I hope everyone is having a nice day. This morning at 6:55 AM I was about to drive my daughter to school by motorcycle. When we arrived near the front of the village. Today I saw that the sky was brighter than usual. Just turning the car onto the road we saw the beautiful sky. So I stopped the motorcycle and captured the atmosphere by taking photos and recording video clips. Even though the photos are not as beautiful as seen with the naked eye.




clear sky and the golden yellow light of the sun. Occasionally there will be spray lines on the plane. Flying in the sky. It looked like a beautiful piece of celestial art. I use my smartphone to take all the photos and share them. I used the natural shooting mode so the photos I took looked a little blurry. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to read my article.
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