Weekly Contest, "Creating Stories Week #16" Meteorite Threat @robin07

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

Thank's World Of Xpilar for this Contest.


What is a meteor?

In the cloudless night sky, small bright objects like stars are often seen rushing towards the earth. These objects are called meteors. In rural Bengal, it is called Tara Khasa. Ordinary people used to think that if they fall in the sky for any reason, then these ‘stars fall’ can be seen in the sky. Many believe in religious belief that this light is seen when angels whip Satan.

According to scientists, a variety of small space objects float in space. When these objects move close to a planet or star, the objects move towards them due to their attraction. This happens to all the planets and stars in space, even to the moon-like satellites. Comets are the source of most meteorites rushing towards Earth. As the Earth moves in its orbit, various comets fall into orbit. Then the small parts of all those comets rush towards the earth due to the gravity of the earth. When these objects rushing towards the earth enter the earth's atmosphere, they get heated by their collision with the atmosphere and at some point it catches fire. These flammable objects in the night sky are called meteors. The meteors that come down from 65 to 115 km above the earth's surface are seen from the surface.

Most meteors burn to ashes in the sky. But the meteorite hit the earth's chest. Meteors fall on the earth every year. According to scientists, about 1500 metric tons of meteorites enter the Earth's atmosphere every year. Most of the meteorite remnants found on the surface are black in color. They are black in color due to extreme heat which burns their exterior.

Meteor showers can happen at any time. Scattered meteors can be seen all year round. However, there are certain times of meteor showers. During this time a meteor shower occurs. The meteor shower is named after the constellation that this meteorite falls along. Below is a list of names and times of regular meteor showers.

Quadrant-ids. This meteor shower is seen in the constellation Boots on 3-4 January. More than 40 large and bright comets are seen every hour. These meteorites enter the atmosphere at a speed of 25.5 miles per second. Some of these meteors are so bright that lines of light can be seen in the sky for a long time after they are extinguished.
Lyrids. Appears between the 16th and 27th of April. This meteorite is seen along with the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, the Alpha Lyrae. The source of this meteorite is the comet C / 1861 G1 Thatcher.
Pi Puppies. This meteor shower is seen on the 23rd of April. However, it is not seen regularly every year. Its source is a comet called 26P / Grigg-Skjellerup.
Eta Aquariids. Appears between April 21 and May 20. Its source is Halley's Comet.

Meteor showers are a type of celestial phenomenon that causes many meteors to come down from space and crash into the earth's surface or melt before it falls to the ground. Meteor showers are mainly seen in the night sky. Meteor showers occur because when a comet explodes in space, its debris comes to Earth's surface under the influence of the Earth's gravitational ball. As a result, it is seen as a meteor shower from the earth. Unusual meteor showers are also known as meteor storms, which cause more than a thousand meteors to hit the earth every hour. Most meteor showers are smaller than grains.

 4 years ago 

Greetings my friend @robin07

Interesting description about the existence and behavior of these bodies that constantly surround and threaten the Earth.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.

Participant #5
