What Will Be, Needs To Be Made To Be

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 days ago

While growing up, I used to hear people use this adage "what will be will be." But when I came of age and started thinking rationally and logically, I realized that a lot of people have missed out of the goodness of life simply because they are waiting for what will be to be. The truth is, if you want things to happen for you, you should not wait for it, rather you should take up your actions and make them to be. If you keep waiting for life to deliver things into your hands without doing anything, you may simply waste away while waiting. If you want something, then you need to understand that you have a responsibility to earn it by your actions.


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Life will not deliver its goodness to you simply because you think that you deserve it even if you do, but life will only deliver to you according to how you have worked. It is true that you are to hope for good and also remain optimistic in life for good things happening, but you should not keep waiting for it to happen on its own accord because you may either wait for too long or it might be denied completely. It is the action that you take that will produce results, not the hopes you have. If a farmer wants to have a harvest during the harvest season, he will not have to wait for the harvest to be, he will work it out by sowing some seeds in the planting season.

If you have not been seeing what you have hoped for, then it is time to change your approach from mere hope and wishes into actions and work. Even if you are talented, you will still need to put actions into it so as to yield maximally. Your talent, your wishes and your hopes are not replacement for work and actions. As a footballer for example, you do not have to depend solely on talents because it may not be enough to get you to the top - you will need to complement it with hard work and prompt actions.

One of the things that I have understood about life is that timing is very important. If the actions that you are supposed to put in are delayed, the potential end result may be affected. This is why, the need for putting in prompt action cannot be overemphasized. No one achieves greatness by not taking actions. When you see that things are turning out the way you do not want, the next thing is for you to find out what happened and then take actions to make a change. It does not matter how fair you think life is or not, it will still not fulfill your dreams because you deserve it, so you need your own personal input.

Some people may think that "destiny cannot be delayed." Well, if you believe it and do not take ready actions, not only will it be delayed but it stands the risk of being outrightly denied. What becomes of you is a fundamental result of the actions that you have put into life. If you want good, then your actions have to be good too and be geared towards what you want. You may have some brilliant ideas and some mind-blowing dreams of what you want to achieve, but at the end, what will determine the result is the step that you have taken.


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It is worthy to note that you are absolutely responsible for how your life is tilted. If you take positive steps in life, positivity will follow you and the results you will get will also be positive. In the same way, if you know something good that you need to do and do not do it, you will exclude yourself from the blessedness of getting the result. You do not have to be scared of making that move even if you may not be sure of the outcome. But if you do not take the step, then you are already sure of the outcome - not getting any result at all. This is why I tell people that taking a risky step and not knowing the outcome is far better than being too safe to the point of not taking any step. Your actions are what will make what will be to be.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all