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RE: Is the Doctor right or do you know better than them?

in WORLD OF XPILAR16 days ago

I fell unconscious today at my friend's clinic.

I do hope you are better now. This heat wave though. Please take very good care of yourself.

This reminded me of a post I read from @soulfuldreamer about her encounter in the hospital with her son.

We are talking about two very different experiences here :) my father is a doctor too. So I can understand what you are saying!

I trust my doctor, every time I visit them. But yes, there are many factors apart from that trust thing. Let's not get into this. There will be whole can of worms opened.

Yes, doctors can make mistakes, but no one deliberately wants to harm their patients.

It's just that doctor's mistakes are not just mistakes... They can have grave consequences... Unfortunately, this is the part and parcel of their profession.

But, what you experienced with the cursing and all should not be experienced by any doctor.

I'm quite certain that your work ethics are very good :)


Thank you for this thorough response

They can have grave consequences... Unfortunately, this is the part and parcel of their profession.

100%. I understand that and acknowledge that as well. If there's one thing that I have learned, alhmdullilah, over time is that blaming the entire fraternity due to negligence of some people is stupidity and I was stupid once. @event-horizon and @kinzaghauri can advocate for this 🤣🤣

My dad (who's also a doctor) once told me that in Pakistan when a doctor saves a person's life it's due to God, but when the same doctor fails to save a life, it's due to the mishaps from the doctor's side.

But yes, there are many factors apart from that trust thing. Let's not get into this. There will be whole can of worms opened.

I understand that. Maybe it's the non professionalism of doctors. I have experienced that myself too. Sometimes I am also at the other side of the table and it infuriates me see the behavior of doctors. I'm not painting a perfect picture for myself or any other doctor that I know of, but I believe that a lot of us actually care about our patients and I'm sure your dad would give great examples of this.

I do hope you are better now. This heat wave though. Please take very good care of yourself.

Alhmdullilah, a lot better now, but ai rescheduled my appointment this Sunday and I'm already dreading thinking over it haha, thank you for asking.

I'm quite certain that your work ethics are very good :)

You're too kind. I'm trying..

A 100% witness of huziafa's stupid comments every now and then xD