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RE: 📷 Archiving Phone Photos

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

With our modern phones and that we have an opportunity to capture any interesting moment in our life, we forgot how quickly the storage of our phones get full. The photo with strawberries attracted my attention, I wonder what did you do with them just eat or strawberry jam?

The owl is also very cool, it seems it has no problem being so close to human.

 2 years ago 

I didn't do much with the strawberries - I removed the stalks, cut them in half and let my boys scoff them! They love their fruit and could eat £10 worth in a single sitting (which is why I need to grow it before they bankrupt me!) Our apple trees are looking amazing this year and should give us a really good crop.

How is your strawberry crop coming along?

The owl was very cool, I'd love for it to visit more often. I took the photos from my living room so it wasn't threatened by my presence. It didn't stay for very long - just long enough for a few photos! Because of where we live, next to the South Downs, we get plenty of wildlife (a badger used to run up and down our street at night). The foxes, seagulls and crows dominate unfortunately.