YouTube Shorts Monetization Big Update

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

In today's article, I am going to give you great news. Because YouTube Shorts monetization has started. Now when did they start? When will the views be counted? What should you do next? How will you get the money? In today's update, I will tell you everything. This is an official Monetization update.

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Friends, if you make short videos or want to earn money from short videos in the future, then the good news is great for you. But you should carefully understand what this Shorts monetization update is all about. And how does it work? I will try to explain to you step by step.

YouTube Shorts Monetization Update

YPP (YouTube Partner Program) is Expanded on January 9, 2023. Expanding means you can now earn money by making YouTube shorts. Understand what the criteria are. Look at the old criteria. Throw Long Video if you want to monetize your channel, you have to get 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of public watch time within the last 365 days. There is no change in this criteria. It is also the same.

But if you want to monetize your channel through YouTube shorts. Then you have to complete 10 million views and 1000 subscribers in the last 90 days. Another thing is that when you create original short videos and upload them. Then you will be able to benefit from the shorts monetization update. You should not copy from anywhere like, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, etc. If you do this, your shorts will not be monetized. Now, whether you make long videos or shorts, you have two ways to join YPP. You can create both on one channel or separately. I have explained both ways to you properly.

Now a question will come here what do we have to do now? Now understand carefully that on January 9, 2023, a notification of YPP's new terms in blue color will come on your channel or your mobile app. You have to accept it. Any notification you will get is about the base terms of YPP. You must accept this. Everyone has to do it. Even if your channel is already monetized. Whether you make long videos or short videos or make both. Either way, as soon as this notification appears on your channel, you must accept it. It has three models.

Watch Page Monetization

Understand the module first. This is for people who just want to earn money by making long videos. Now in the coming time, you will be able to earn money in both ways through long videos and shorts. Suppose you've only made long videos so far and never made short videos. In the future, you don't want to make short videos. You have to keep your channel on Loving Video. So you can accept the first module of watch page monetization.

Shorts Monetization

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This shorts monetization module is to accept those who want to earn money through shorts monetization. If you are still making shorts, then accept both terms and if you want to make shirts in the future, then also accept them.

The Commerce Product Addendum

This module is about fan funding. Such as super thanks etc. Some people already have got the Super Thanks option. But after this update, all shorts creators will get the Super Thanks option. That means now you will be able to earn money from fan funding. If you already are making some money through fan funding. Then you don't need to accept this third module. But if you don't have any such fan funding feature yet. And you have to accept this third module if you want to earn through fan funding.

Please understand that you have to accept these terms at your own risk. You will get three modules. I have told you about the three in turn. Let me tell you one more thing, whenever the notification of this term will come, within six months, you will have to accept this notification according to yourself. Before 10 July 2023, you will have to accept the terms. If you do not, your channel will be removed from the YouTube Partner Program. After that, you will be able to reapply after thirty days.


Now the question is, when will the payout start? From 1st February 2023, you will start receiving money from YouTube shorts. Now the question is that, where will you see your money, how much money is being made from long videos, and how much is coming from shorts?
When you go to your channel's analytics, you will find four features. The first feature will be overall earnings. From this, you will see the earnings of the entire channel. The second feature will be earning through video. From this, you will see the earnings from long videos. The third feature will be about earning from shorts. And the fourth will be earnings from live streaming. All your earnings will be shown to you separately.

Now the question is whether the funds received on the short video will be stopped. The answer is yes. Because the short monetization feature will replace this short fund. Let me tell you one more thing you will get 55% of what you will earn from long videos but from shorts, you will get 45%.

So, I have told you all the things. This is big news for shorts creators. I am very happy. I hope you will be happy too. Subscribe to my YouTube channel.