in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for landscape/seascape photography and art contest hosted by @axeman.


This Villa is called 'My Peace' and has such a name for a reason, it is located in the canal of St. Anthony and is the only house on that side of the canal.
It has a view of the whole city and on the other side a view through the whole canal.



The villa was built in 1905 by the Italian merchant Giovanni dalle Feste on the site of one of the two towers that historically closed the canal and protected Šibenik from attackers. The summer house was named 'My Peace' by the first owner and the name for this house and location has remained in the collective consciousness of generations of Šibenik citizens.

Unique property, villa ‘My Peace’ with a swimming pool in an attractive location with panoramic views of the city of Sibenik, located in a secluded area with a total of 198.37 m2 of living space on a plot of 900 square meters.

The villa has cultural and historical value and was renovated with the permission of the conservation department from Sibenik, and is only 20 meters from the sea.


The lucky one who will set aside exactly 29,541,092 kuna ( 3.9 million euro) will be able to have his own peace, so close and so far from civilization.

City of Šibenik, Dalmacija, Croatia.

 ... thank you ...
 3 years ago 

Greetings friend @to-tru

This is a beautiful place to enjoy a good vacation, you can feel the natural harmony that any mind needs.

Excellent pictures.

Yes, you live on a rock in the middle of the canal but you are in the city center with a boat in 2 minutes ... he he

Thank you friend @adeljose.

Sensational photography, I congratulate you friend ❤

Thank you!

Oh wow, I was traveling around here last Summer, while going to Zlarin island. It is an amazing place, yes! Jel moguće da sam napokon nekog iz Hr našla na ovoj platformi? :D

Bas je ljepo sresti svog zemljaka nije mi se to dogodilo stvarno dugo, sva moja ekipa koja je bila na ovoj platformi nakako se raspala. Moram priznati nisam ni ja bio aktivan skoro tri godine tako kad sam se vratio bila mi je zbrka totalna, sad je skroz dobro.
Bas si me razveselila ✌😉

Tako je i meni, svi moji vise ne znaju sifre il im se neda. Ja imam periode kad objavljujem i kad imam zatisje, najcesce preko ljeta, al i dalje mi je super ekipa ovdje. Lijepo je sresti zemljaka napokon, da! Otkud si?

Iz Šibenika sam, al zivim na otoku Kapriju zadnje 3 godine malo me ugusija grad jer dugo sam vrimena proveo u ugostiteljstvu, razni lokali, klubovi, resorti i restorani.
Sad zivim jednim mirnijim zivotom i skroz mi pase, pogotovo otkad se pojavila ova korona boravak na moru i uz more je neprocjenjiv.

Zvuci ko ostvarenje mojih snova haha ja sam u zg-u, al na periferiji, na selu. Zivim isto mirnim zivotom tako da mogu razumjet da ti pase.