Reptile Mato de agua or lizard overo

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

The water lizard or lizard is an omnivorous animal

They also call it mato pollero.


when they are little
They eat insects, land snails, fruits and vegetables and when they are large they eat
frogs, snakes, rodents and they are skilled looters of nests, birds, snakes, lizards and others.

El lagarto de agua o lagarto es un animal omnívoro. También lo llaman mato pollero. cuando son pequeños Comen insectos, caracoles terrestres, frutas y verduras y cuando son grandes comen ranas, culebras, roedores y son hábiles saqueadores de nidos, pájaros, culebras, lagartijas y otros.

I confirm that I am afraid of them, when I see them closely, and I see their skin it makes me shiver and hedgehog.

I confirm that I am afraid of them, when I see them closely, and I see their skin it makes me shiver and hedgehog.

I don't know how much they can grow, but I've always seen them that size.

These were approximately 10cm and the other 20cm, very carefully out of fear I approached them and took their photos from my cell phone.

Confirmo que les tengo miedo, cuando los veo de cerca, y veo su piel me hace temblar y erizarme.

Confirmo que les tengo miedo, cuando los veo de cerca, y veo su piel me hace temblar y erizarme.

No sé cuánto pueden crecer, pero siempre los he visto de ese tamaño.

Estos eran aproximadamente 10cm y los otros 20cm, con mucho cuidado por miedo me acerqué a ellos y les saqué fotos desde mi celular.






Hello @yenij , the mato pollero abounds in my town. They are everywhere, my cousins ​​jump when they see them.
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Hello love, I'm afraid of them hahaha I also run when I see them coming near me.
Thank you very much for the invitation, I am going to visit your community