Contest#8|best book to movie adaptation|My participation

in Beyond Event Horizon3 years ago

Novel "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" was written by Stephen King in 1982. It is one of the four novels of Different Seasons collection. The Shawshank redemption film was adopted based on this this novel. In this novel red is the narrator. Red character was played by Morgan Freeman in the film. Andy character was played by Tim Robbins.

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A film which brings profits that doesn't mean always a good film. Although the films which haven't performed commercially that don't mean they are bad films. Perfect example is "The Shawshank redemption." This film was failed commercially. Later it got it's recognition.

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The Shawshank redemption was released in 1994. Shawshank is prison's name and redemption means being saved. Let's know it's story.

Andy was a banker. He was prisoned for 2 life times(40years) for killing of his wife and her boyfriend. Then Andy was brought to Shawshank state prison. Some think" life behind bars is dangerous and coming to prison is like no life at all." But Andy didn't feel like that. He accepted the situation and behaved normally. One day Andy solved guard's tax issue . From that day onwards all guards including prison officer also get hold of him regarding tax issues. So he got some facilities in Shawshank but he didn't misuse them. He set library, peaceful atmosphere around him. Andy was trying to prove himself as innocent, one day he found a clue that would prove him innocent. But prison officer didn't want to loose him so the officer destroyed evidence. Andy felt disappointed but he had another plans since the day he came to Shawshank state of prison, He was implementing those plans and finally he escaped from the prison. After he escaped from jail, he informed to higher authorities about prison officer's corruption. But to avoid arrest , prison officer committed suicide. At last Andy left and started new life.

The story tells that "what we accept is our situation and position, Sitting with sufferings remain sufferings only. But if those sufferings, pains are accepted and do what we do lead us to favourable situations. This movie showed those circumstances very beautifully.

Let the Situations be terrible. Those should be accepted, that gives us consistency, lead to accord courage, which gives hope. Hope do wonders. Don't loose hope in any extremity. "Never loose hope which brings light into our life." While I reading the book I felt these words. When I watched movie , I felt a little disspoinment regarding Andy's blamelessness, yes of course there were the situations he couldn't prove his innocence and remained as a convict. The most beautiful lines by red was:

"I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope."

In 1997, A TV network channel broadcasted this movie frequently, then it connected to people slowly. Popularity began from there.

Content of the films may get failure commercially but some point of time, they get their recognition what they deserve.

Thank you for stopping by.


Great post! This is one of my favorite movies but I never knew it was based on a book that too by Stephen King! Thank you for your participation!