The Diary Game: 02/12/2021 - Day 4 of Free Eye Screening Exercise

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Today was the day 4 for this week's free eye screening exercise been conducted at the university state college in Abuakwa and with just a day to go many more people keep trooping in for a chance to benefit from this opportunity before it ends tomorrow.


Arriving at the facility to find patients already waiting

Anway so today i started my day quite early as usual after my morning breakfast of fufu owing to the workload waiting for me i left to the place of the outreach program. Once there i saw that many people have already queued waiting to be seen and so i got in contact with the rest of the team and right away work began.


My early Morning Fufu before work

That was around the time of 9am, once seated patients kept coming in till we closed around 3pm. It was quite the long and exhausting day sitting at one point to take care of over 100 patients for a single day. Once all was said and done the team came together for discussions on tomorrow's final event.


Work begins as soon as i settle in

There was however this one case that troubled me today about a young man who couldn't seek out healthcare over the years whiles his vision deteriorated and had to resort to herbal preparations at home for the eye. Whiles that was not the main issue, he had to wait over the years for a free screening for a chance to see an eye doctor today and it turns out he had glaucoma which has advanced to the point of complete blindness.


Free drugs to be given to patients

It was unfortunate i had to tell him the news of he not ever getting sight again and that there wasn't much we could do to help him, he literally broke down in my consulting room and cried for more than an hour before he could compose himself and be helped out to go home. It really affected my mood and at that point i saw how grateful many are for this opportunity to have their eyes checked and be diagnosed for some of these things which could have proven fatal later.


Free reading glasses to be given to patients

I look forward to been able to do more God will tomorrow to help many others and also impact the lives of those who come around. And so for those who are around, do well to come by for your free eye checkup. Until tomorrow, thanks for your time.

 3 years ago 

service to mankind is service to God...great work from you and the entire team

You and your team did great Job here bro, congratulations and keep doing the good deeds. God bless you.

However, in your diary, i appreciate the " Early Morning Fufu before work" . That part is very important.😊

Thanks for sharing your diary with us.🤗.