#club5050 | Book alert for mothers; The Struggles of a boy child | by @ebunoluwani

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Hello dear @steemwomensclub
How is the week going? Mine is pretty quiet.
Eid Mubarack to our Sisters and Mothers out there.

Welcome to my post.
I shall be discussing a book here and I find it suitable for every mother. The title of the book is Eleven Eleven by Ara MoMore. The book encompasses the Struggles of a Boy Child.

If I asked you as a mother...
Who is a boy Child?
How much do you know about your boy child?
What will your response be?


We are in a society where we have taken our eyes off the boy child long enough. When I got an unofficial permission from the Author to read his book I was so excited and when I read the book I knew that every mother should listen to this book on my Youtube channel and get a copy as well.

My exact words when I made the book announcement were...

We have taken our eyes off the BOYCHILD long enough!
Bitter Boys become Bitter Men.
Eleven Eleven unveils the Vulnerabilities, Trauma, Abuse, Molestation a boy child is facing today.
Watch here

This is not a bias but I believe if we could do better job as mothers for the boychild just like we celebrate the Girlchild…

Maybe just maybe the type of men the society will chun out will be better.

Maybe there would be lesser vandalism or criminality.

Maybe the Boychild will not feel unloved anymore.

Maybe we will have better husbands that will take good care of our well trained daughters

The boychild faces abuse, molestation, and they are vulnerable too.

There is only one way to find out about Effiong and other boys of his age whose sun had already set while it was yet morning.
We shall be reading the book on my Youtube Channel.


Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn your notification on so that you will get a notification when the book commences and that will happen once the official book permission comes through from the author this week.


Sigh... A couple of weeks back I opened a Youtube Channel and I made an announcement about it on this platform and I got my first subscriber here on steemit. It was a huge step for me then and now I have already made over a hundred subscriber with just 6 videos. I am just so grateful to that first subscriber @msquaretk he pushed my dream and @samuel20 too was a supporting factor. They’re part of this success story.

I guess it is true that the biggest risk is not taking any risk at all. Thank you guys for reading my article post. Do have a great week.



I'm glad I was among the first people that subscribed to your channel. Well-done, @ebunoluwani.

I guess it is true that the biggest risk is not taking any risk at all.

Honestly you are right. There's no success without action.

 3 years ago 


Thank you🙇🏽

Good to see your post here.The boy child just like his female counterpart deserves attention and care.Raising a good boy child will in turn widwife the birth of better husbands and fathers.

Your YouTube publications are great and I have gone through all of them before now.More grace!!!

 3 years ago 

I see you all the time.

Thank you so much

Woow this is so great my dear friend. You have got a good educative article here. I have successfully subscribe to your channel and I will watch all the videos there

 3 years ago 

Thank you @chiabertrand

For subscribing and believing in me too.

 3 years ago 

So often I get asked how do I know so much. Read!
We were forced as children to read and today I can say thank you to my parents.
Thank you for sharing this book with us. Not only do I love the title but it seems like a real "crying" book.
Good luck with your channel!

 3 years ago 

Reading is like a gold mine.
You're absolutely right.
Thank you for reading my post ma'am

PS: Don’t forget to help subscribe and share to like minds ma, I'll really appreciate that.😊

 3 years ago 

Done! You've got a new subscriber (•ิ‿•ิ)
I hope you are going to share all your reviews on Steemit.
It will be awesome!

This had been a beautigul read. I have noticed most times when the girl children are being celebrated, the male gender tend to believe no one really cares about them.

I think this is really timely and also will give assurance to the boy child who will grow to a responsible adult.

 3 years ago 

Hi @kay-owobia
You're right
Every boy child are as important as the girl child. Very much loved.

Thank you for your time.

Have you visited my channel yet perhaps?