in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

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People call me ‘Doctor’ and when I try to correct them that I am a Nurse and not a Doctor, they be like “You are too intelligent to be a Nurse, you need to upgrade to become a doctor”

And Me: You don’t get it!

Becoming a doctor is not an upgrade for me! it is…
~Going out of alignment
~Working against God’s will &
~Walking out on God’s purpose for my life!

Nursing and Medicine are two different professions, one is not superior and the other inferior, what makes the difference is the scope of practice!

We are called to do different things but as a team, to achieve one desired goal, which is patient’s wellbeing!

Everyone must not be a Doctor and everyone must not be a Nurse, we need both professionals, with God in the center, to keep people alive! else we will NOT have a professional team that is so required to run the healthcare system!

I have many good friends who are called to be Doctors, I AM NOT

Doctors and Nurses are not knowledge competitors, we are simply healthcare team players, with different scopes of practice that is geared towards helping individuals achieve optimal health!

It is not so much about us and the title, it is much more about the lives God has committed into our care!

It is lack of professional and vocational understanding that tricks the mind of the poor masses to think in this way!

it is an age long cultural sensitization that led to this professional misrepresentation!

This is equally why there is a professional shoulder rub between these two noble professions, whereas it is not supposed to be so!

This thought process is also one of the reasons why parents push their children into professions they have no business being in!

There is much more to Nursing than you can ever imagine!

That you see me on stethoscope doesn’t make me a Doctor, Stethoscope is a working tool and not a professional badge, so, anytime you catch me on duty, I will have it on!

My current scope of practice, requires me to do physical examination, which includes listening to my patient’s chest every shift, for my shift assessment and documentation, my wearing a stethoscope is not a sign of me being a doctor.

I am not a Nurse because I cannot study to become a doctor, I am a Nurse because that is one of the reasons why God sent me here!

Fulfillment doesn’t come from what people think you can do, fulfillment comes from what God has assigned you to do.

I am A Nurse
I am Called to be A Nurse
I am PROUD to be A Nurse

Best regard to @infovore @davidad @steemwomensclub

©Lilian Ubani
