Spreading Joy

in Comunidad Latina4 months ago (edited)

When asked what made me happy today, the answer is simple. My joy today and even in the last few months is being able to spend more time with my beloved family. My family is the center of my world, and every moment I spend with them brings irreplaceable happiness.

I am very lucky to be able to have more time to bond with my daughters, especially with my youngest, Princess Fatiya. Previously, Fatiya was always the busiest telling me to go home whenever I worked away from home. It felt different when she no longer had to wait long to see her father. This happiness does not only belong to me, but also to my family who feel more complete with my presence more often.


Fatiya my lovely daughter with her new duck buoy

In the past, my work as a consultant often took me away from home. Every week, I can only go home at the weekend, and the distance from Lhokseumawe city to Panton Labu makes it impossible for me to go home every day. But now, even with an uncertain income as a freelancer, I can spend more time with them. This is a price worth paying for greater happiness.

As the saying goes, family is where we laugh, cry and share. A place where we can be our true selves and be accepted for who we are. I feel this every day.


Image source here

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas

That's exactly the role of family for me. They are the force that lifts me, the one that gives me the passion to keep going, and the place where I feel most alive.

If I look back on my life journey, I have to admit that this life was colored more by pain and suffering than happiness. Why? Because humans themselves are designed to survive, and these challenges are an inevitable part of our lives.

Life is full of suffering. Pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice. We cannot avoid pain, but it is how we react to it that determines the extent to which it will affect us. I learned that suffering is an inseparable part of our life journey over time. The trials we face will determine our strength and resilience.

Do I normally talk more about my problems or my joys? Not at all. I rarely talk about my problems. I want to protect the feelings of the people I love. My children, my partner, my parents, and my friends. Let me bear the burden myself, as long as they are happy. This does not mean I close myself off or hide the truth, but rather to maintain the peace of mind of those closest to me.

Often, I only tell something when I have passed the storm of problems. After everything subsided, then I shared the experience as a lesson to be learned. I believe in the principle, “You can't prevent bad things from happening, but you can control how you respond to them." This is a principle that I have long held. I can't avoid problems, but I can control how I respond to them and when I share it.


Image source here

Am I a happy person who spreads positive energy to others? I don't know and I don't think so. Even though I have an instinct to help others and put a smile on their lips. Small actions such as helping an elderly person who has difficulty crossing the road give me happiness.

Happiness for me is not about how often we laugh or act hedonistically, but about how we can make other people feel that happiness as well. If you have ever read the book Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, you will know his famous quote:

For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must happen

I believe that by helping other people, happiness will come naturally, not only to them but also to me.

Lets join me in this contest:

 4 months ago 

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Saya sangat setuju dengan arti dari bahagia menurut anda pak @el-nailul, menurut saya juga seperti itu kebahagiaan tidak jauh dari kata berkumpul dengan keluarga dan anak² saya, mereka adalah sumber bahagia saya dan kebahagiaan mereka adalah prioritas saya. Saya punya tanggung jawab besar untuk membuat mereka selalu nyaman berada di dekat saya, karena sayalah tempat mereka pulang dan tempat berkeluh-kesah.

Saya sangat terharu membaca postingan anda ini, tidak jauh dari pemikiran saya, semua benar pak. Jujur berlinang air mata saya.

Walau kadang berpikir saya hanya manusia biasa yang tidak sempurna tapi saya berusaha sempurna Dimata keluarga saya terutama didepan anak² saya.

Terimakasih postingan anda ini, lebih membuka pikiran saya terhadap berbuat baik, terlebih utama pada keluarga kita sendiri. Tetap semangat buat anda.

Terimakasih. Pemikiran yang saya sampaikan memang apa yang saya alami, tapi umumnya orang kita akan seperti itu. Meski ada perbedaan sedikit-sedikit.

Anda sebagai perempuan mungkin lebih terasa lagi karena lebih sering di rumah, bagi kami laki-laki sebenarnya berada di rumah berkumpul dengan keluarga itu adalah kebahagiaan yang paling utama

Tetap semangat menjadi yang sempurna untuk anak-anak anda. dan terimakasih telah singgah

Benar sekali pak @el-nailul
Terimakasih kembali pak.

Setiap kehidupan manusia tidak jauh dari kata MASALAH hanya saja tergantung dari i'tikad diri saja, cara menyelesaikannya. Serta tidak semua masalah itubperlu kita bicarakan pada orang lain, termasuk sahabat kita. Hanya Allah tempat kita mengadu dan berdoa agar bisa keluar dari masalah yang kita hadapi.

Kesenangan dan kebahagian itu memang harus kita bagi dengan siapa saja, namun yang lebih utama itu kita berbagi dulu dengan keluarga kita sendiri. Kebahagian itu tidak dapat dilukiskan tapi dapat di rasakan dengan perasaan dan hati, kebahagian itu tidak cukup hanya berupa materi, kebahagian itu butuh hati.

Terimakasih atas undangan ini, semoga nanti saya juga bisa mengikuti kontes ini. Sukses selalu untuk anda.

Banyak hal positif jika berbuat baik untuk orang yang dekat dengan kita, karena saat kita dalam masalah, orang terdekat ini yang pertama akan datang membantu. Orang terdekat ini bisa berarti dekat secara tempat tinggal ataupun dekat secara hubungan.

Mari kita ramaikan kontes ini bang @bahrol

Ia benar sekali yang anda katakan, yang membantu kita itu yang pertama kali di saat kita di timpa masalah yang namanya musibah ada tetangga kita yang terlebih dahulu tiba, akan tetapi masalah yang bersifat rahasia itu lain lagi asumsinya hanya pada pasangan kita tempat mencari solusi terlebih dahulu.

Saya juga sudah mengikuti kontes ini, saya sudah membuat postingan juga.

Hello dear @el-nailul, I'm very happy to hear that your family is the centre of everything wow sir it is such a good thoughts in which you have made to put your family at the centre of everything. I can also see the time in which you decided to spend with your family there by putting them at the centre of everything I really like your best decision, family is also where we laugh, cry, make decisions, share good thoughts and also cherished each other I really likes your idea in which you have contributed to this very contest I also get to discover that you're such an experienced human being who likes sharing moments of joy with friends and love one's. Thanks for always spreading that energy to others I really wish you all the best in this contest challenge.
Best regards.

Hello @el-nailul hope you are having a good day happiness you find in spending time with your family you love being with your daughter, Princess Fatiya, MashaAllah she is so cute and being more present with your family now.

I like you talk about facing life's challenges and finding joy in helping others. Your thoughts are really touching and remind us how important our family is. Keep sharing your positive experiences,wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.