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RE: SLC21/WK5: Choking and Airway Obstruction: A Complete Guide to Life-Saving First Aid Techniques
Student Name: @sammy1109
Overall grade: 8.5
Plagiarism Check: Pass
AI Use: No
Question | What the Student Did Well | Areas for Improvement | Grading |
Question 1 | Provided what are the changes in a body that causes partial airway obstruction compared to complete airway obstruction. Good work. | A few details are missing such as some people have allergies to some food items. Also the information of the food obstruction in other than the esophagus would have been nice. The difference between the partial and complete obstruction could have been more detailed. | [Grade: 1.7] |
Question 2 | Excellent work. Very well done. | [Grade: 2.5] | |
Question 3 | Listed the steps of managing an emergency choking scenario. | The first step would always be to let the person who is choking to cough it out. You pick one person from the bystanders and authorize him/her to call the ambulance. You also haven't mentioned how to remove the obstruction if the patient has foreign object stuck in this throat. You didn't how many compressions would you execute in a CPR. | [Grade: 1.8] |
Question 4 | The student managed to present an infographic. Infographics in the medicine field serve as important tool for having access to more information in a single place. These are typically necessary to have as a first aider. | [Grade: 2.5] |
General Feedback: The student has shown an excellent understanding of this week's course. There were a few shortcomings which I'm sure will be avoided in the upcoming posts.
Thank you.
Hola, gracias por verificarme, pero no entiendo el por qué de mi nota. En la pregunta 1, usted dice que me faltaron algunos detalles y debí extenderme más en cuanto a la obstrucción parcial y completa, pero también me dice que no mencioné el tema de las alergias, pese a haberlo hecho sin adentrarme mucho en ello.
En el tercer punto, usted me dice que lo primero es dejar que la persona tosa para expulsar el objeto que provoca la obstrucción, yo escribí lo siguiente:
Debo preguntarle para saber cómo actuar, pero si veo que no puede hacerlo y hace la señal de asfixia, debo actuar rápidamente antes de que sea demasiado tarde. También mencioné que le pido al personal del local llamar a emergencias
Me dijo que no mencioné como eliminar la obstrucción, esta puede eliminarse mediante la maniobra de Heimlich la cual llevé a cabo en el caso ficticio, también mencioné como sacar el objeto si lo tengo a la vista con el barrido de dedos...
Me ha dicho que no he mencionado cuántas compresiones debo hacer en el RCP, pero me tomé el tiempo de escribirlo en la imagen para no hacer mas largo el texto, ya que la última vez que participé me dijeron que colocase mas imágenes, quería que al igual que en la segunda pregunta, en esta tercera pregunta también jugasen un papel importante
Hello @sammy1109. It's always wonderful as a teacher when their students have a critical thinking towards their courses, it shows that the student has really put in their hearts into the lesson and I know you since the beginning of my course, you're someone who rrally puts in effort into our courses. It's always a delight to read your assignments. But readinf your assignments sometimes is a great ordeal due to translation issue, even though I try my best to use the best translator but still there are some shortcomings and due to this sometimes mistakes are made. I hope you understand.
In the question 1, merely the mention of allergies wasn't enough. There are some specific allergies which needed to be mentioned.
You see even in this comment there seems to be some tranlslatory grammatical mistakes as in third point you don't ask the patient if he can cough, you encourage him/her to cough on their own.
You mentioned that you will ask the local staff to call medical emergency tean but you need to be specific as in point out at someone specific and ask them to call.
The last point was missed from my side and I accept my mistake but the rest of the points, there were missing details.
Have a good day.
Dr @huzaifanaveed1
Entiendo mis fallas, intentaré ser más específica al momento de redactar la siguiente lección ^_^