History of Gold

in Crypto Markets4 years ago

Sponsored Post Gold could possibly the one we humans have always tended to choose to use as currency. Why? Learn more here https://cutt.ly/GoldMarketAndItsInnovations

According to reports, Since ancient civilization, from the Egyptians to the Inca, gold has handled a special place of actual and symbolic value for humanity. Gold has moreover been used as money for exchange, as a store of value, and as valuable jewelry and other artifacts.

Some people seem to argue that gold has no intrinsic value, that it is a barbaric relic which no longer handle the monetary qualities of the past. Check Disclaimer in Profile and Landing Page


I could explore at my backyard hoping there's something shiny stone over their, better I dig it ASAP "evil laugh"

It was said that the possible conditions that might possibly drove gold to an all time move in 2020 are very much still in place.

These other Gold mining companies might potentially require a skilled workforce to operate their sites. Another job opening!