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RE: For the Love of Comments, Round 15 Winners Announcement. Plus tips on growing your account.

Team Australia was one of the earliest and most active communities. So big, though, that it seemed pertinent for South Australia to have its own sub section. @mattclarke has taken the lead on regular meetups and the community. Being able to meet face to face has been invaluable and much more bonding for us as a community.

The continual changes do keep you on your toes and take some adjusting to.


Hmmm. Interesting perspective @mattclarke. If you don't mind me asking, since I see your account name listed as a subscriber in the Christian Fellowship community, do you believe your view on this is supported in God's Word?

I don't mind you asking :)
I'm not sure it qualifies as a 'view' or 'opinion'; its more of an observation.
It's just true.

Okay @mattclarke. Since you don't mind ... 😉

"It's just true."

As Christians, most would tell the world we consider His revelations to us to be the ultimate source of what is true. I won't bore you with references or a list of nations (countries) mentioned in the Bible, starting with the most obvious one - Israel - but they are in there!

Nations are groups of people. They were still a nation when they were wandering the desert, for example.

Yes, of course they are. I assume by your response then you distinguish between the word nation and the word country. Not sure how ...

Setting aside the obvious distinctions like language and customs, I would focus on authority structures and the laws created to govern the people groups living in subjection under them. The boundaries between people groups are there to define which ones you will be held accountable to, as the power of the State does not bear the sword for nothing ...

Anyway, I have read briefly again through your post. So ... I'll thank you for your responses here. And wish you well going forward! 😊 👍

In fairness, Nation is also a social construct. We can't discern what the nation of Israel weighs, for example. If the bible were limited to only discussing things which physically exist; it'd read like a 7 year old's diary. Concepts like marriage, kingship, etc don't physically exist, but are still important.

Thank you for providing the additional, historical perspective @minismallholding. I appreciate hearing there are "real world" communities coming together around people's investment of time and effort in our Steem blockchain. If there is anything even remotely close to this going on in America, I am unaware of it.

Would it be worth starting one for your area? I'm guessing it would need to be focused around a city for a central meeting point. While our group is for the state, most of the population is centred around Adelaide.

Well @minismallholding, not really my "cup of tea" ... One of the major decisions I made in electing to establish an online presence (which I had said I would never do) by "jumping in" to participation on our Steem blockchain was protecting my privacy.

"In here" almost 2 years (in May), I have been asked many times where I live and who I am, among other things. So far, I have stuck with my original decision, in politely and civilly, but firmly (necessary once ...), declining to answer ...

Hopefully that is not off-putting to you ...

Not at all. Everyone is different and initially I preferred my privacy. However, what I post about is something that communities around me are taking an interest in (growing your own food), so at some point I was going to have to decide whether to try and keep them separate or just be open and use the social media presence to make further connections.