0000000000001001 - Steemit Interface PoC - Black & White / Yin & Yang


Having complained about the relentless and shameless abuse on Steemit, I had made the decision to only include authors who were "whitelisted" - i.e. people known to be trustworthy. Whilst it's clear that those who appear trustworthy today might not remain so when they are entrusted with a modicum of power, it made sense as an approach and users can be easily removed.

As a slight aside, I'm formulating a plan that will highlight if the steemcurator keys appear to be being abused to upvote low quality content. I'll save the mechanics for another day - I need a new API before my plan will come to fruition.

The reaction to the whitelist idea both publicly and privately surprised me with every response in favour of the idea but despite this, something was niggling away in the back of my mind - something telling me that it wasn't right. And in time, this niggle became a clear thought - I didn't want to penalise new, honest users who have something good to offer.

I still like the idea of a whitelist and this platform needs a blacklist. So I've spent the last couple of days merging the 2 ideas. Taking what I had originally and merging in the whitelist.


I've made good progress with this idea and have introduced a "flag" to highlight users on the whitelist. For now, I have labelled them as "★ Approved User" as you can see from the screenshot below (please don't be offended if you're not whitelisted yet - I've added enough for demonstration purposes). I also hope that you like the "multi-tags" example to show how helpful it can be to a specific curator 🙂


You'll also notice in the screenshot above, that I've introduced the date that the post was made. Whilst this may look fairly trivial, it took me ages to get things lined up and looking good (cue @tomoyan sexy gif).

For those that only want to see whitelisted users, I've included a filter which will only display content from these users...


Whilst I've not decided on the mechanism on how to toggle this on and off yet, the code is there and functioning well.


The way that I've coded the whitelist and integrated it into the previous code will also make it easier to sort the posts in various ways. Currently, it's coded to sort by date but this can be changed to be sorted by number of upvotes, post value, or better yet - number of comments. Other than date, the only order I've tested it with is author.


I think that this covers everything for now - please let me know what you think.

I've got a few bugs to sort out before moving on to the next enhancement - which will likely be the additional details that come with a post - e.g. number of upvotes, value, etc... I'm very tempted to make the financial element of Steemit less prominent - perhaps even hidden as I'd like to shift user's mindsets away from money and towards interaction.

I might also introduce a notice next to blacklisted or bot voted content.

Oh, and introduce something to hide the images from "NSFW" or "xxx" tags. The volume of porn being uploaded to Steemit came as quite a surprise to me!

Now I've covered everything. I think.


I think the idea of a whitelist is quite excellent, though I'll throw in that it will be a lot of work to maintain.
As you say, good buddies can quickly become bad busddies and new users need to have a chance to get on the list. No code can do that, it's manual work, isn't it?
Furthermore, the criteria for being on or off the list have to be worked out as objectively as possible and made transparent. Otherwise, there will be a lot of shouting and in the end, the "decision-maker" will get everything. Haha, I guess I know that your fur is thicker than mine... ;-)

this platform needs a blacklist


I'm very tempted to make the financial element of Steemit less prominent

I'll give you a smooch if you manage to do that!

I am still convinced that you have to separate the pure DiFi and the pure interest in it, from the (rewarded) blogging business. Since this doesn't happen because it's not wanted or there is no idea to implement it, your frontend as a sympathetic filter bubble could be a great first step. Then it's up to the writing user to decide whether to get involved or still stare full of envy and greed at the abusers.

Thanks for all your efforts!!!

I think the idea of a whitelist is quite excellent, though I'll throw in that it will be a lot of work to maintain.

In time, it could become automated - similar to the anti-plagiarism game. People already whitelisted could nominate new people to join and if approved, there could be a link between the 2 users so if there's any naughtiness (via the anti-plagiarism game) in the future, the nominator is also "penalised". Lots of threads of thoughts swirling around my head at the moment of how it could work 🤔

the "decision-maker" will get everything


My thinking is certainly that the new front-end eventually becomes as pure as possible. If people want to abuse the system via UpVu or TipU, then they can. But they won't be doing it on my front-end. This would have the double-bonus that in time, my front-end is recognised as its own entity, built upon Steemit as a Blogging platform and crypto currency but sharing the good - getting a good reputation from search engines and ultimately, boosting the profile of Steemit. Hopefully onboarding many new users that never need to know about the shadier side of what happens here.

The progress I've made feels good. There's a long, long way to go but the direction feels positive and I'm already using my front-end to digest content and linking of to Steemit.com to reply to it 🙂

Sounds great!
I am already looking forward to beastly!

Ahso - will I be invited? ... 😂

will I be invited? ... 😂

It's hard to know... hopefully somebody will nominate you 🤣

I call in for a community-run DAO of sorts to get in I guess. We have several trusted and highly respected community members out here already. We create an on-chain voting mechanism(Or off-chain) that determines if a person gets in or not. I can get that system in place once you're closer to the launch @coding-gorilla.

👍🏼 Only for the trusted members 🙂

I wanted to ask you about your club5050 chart - how hard would it be to create a separate page which takes a username, starttimestamp and endtimestamp in a query string and returned the chart image. So I can embed it in a report.

E.g. <img src="starlordsclub5050magic.html?username=cheatingbastard&starttime=1643673601&endtime=1646092799" (imagine the close parenthesis here - I couldn't add them for obvious reasons!)

When the response is an image, the payload size increases, and the extra load is put on the server. What I would suggest instead would be to call an API(I've currently not made this open yet) that would return you the data. You could then render a chart on the client-side instead. That takes out a ton of load.

Interesting to follow developments.

Thank you.

Thanks for your support 👍🏼 It feels like things are heading in a good direction at the moment.

I joined steemit and have always refer friends to join (at least 100 and More)
But yet, the Community doesn't recognize me. I feel steem should Support few of us working hard secretly....we may not be dolphins but we are trying hard and working hard. Nevertheless, I love how @steemcurator01 is supporting... But I need this Support as motivation.

I need this as prove to those I refer, I'm a prominent person in my school. I have referred people too steem, help them in their Achievement1 post but no one was able to verify their posts. So they left the platform.

I feel steem should grant some of us some privileges provided we won't misuse it offcourse access can be withdrawn anytime.

This and more I wish to say. Thanks and hope this message get accross to Steemit team.

Hello sir @steemcurator01 with due respect I wish to pleed on you to visit my blog I have been and active member since I joined and I belong to all the club's I have never powerd down my account some I join and I don't intend powering down my account please sir I want to join the crypto academy and I seriously need your vote so as to do so because I want to go far in this please I beg on you to consider me and visit my blog. Will be very happy and moltivated if you do sir thanks for your favourable response in advance.

What you are doing won’t work. You don’t have to spam comment in other to gain curator01’s attention

Ok sir sorry for the mistakes


Sorry sir @steemcurator01 I was just trying to get your attention sir


sorry sir @steemcurato01 if i disturb your time. I want to ask you and I hope you can give the answer. in the past few weeks I did a search for the name of steemians on the steemit platform. when I repeatedly search for someone's name an error occurs.

Is the steemit platform under repair?

Because it didn't just happen to me, but there were some Indonesian steemians who did the same thing and I want to know from you. because there are currently many steemit account hackers so I can be aware of the security of my account and other friends, thank you. greetings @afrizalbinalka.

White list, naughty list or verified ✔️ kind of things are always challenging... but that is just me.
But shiny new UI?!


I've always been a favourite of the dancing gorillas 🤣