Impact Of Tiny Things @joshuelmari

flower rose with feng.jpg

Doing tiny things will become your basic operating system, requiring compatibility with all other options. You'll be a credit to yourself and those you love if your brain works that way. You'll be like a peaceful sea, dancing songbirds, and spring's fresh blooms. A soft flowering of the soul, one that requires a strength of character to remain in ever-bloom. No one can change the world in a single stroke, but with each kind deed you made all the difference in the world and I feel blessed.

Keep doing tiny things to inspire people since it sometimes takes up a huge piece of their hearts. When you attempt to change even the smallest aspects of your daily life on a regular basis, it has a big impact, because we are creatures of habit, and those tiny things have a much larger impact than we think. You have no idea how many seemingly trivial elements may have a positive influence. Tiny things aren't much on their own, but when multiplied by a large number, they may add up to a lot. These are little elements in the grand scheme of things, yet they would make a huge impact in life. If you genuinely wanted to and worked hard enough, you could change your life.

Thanks for dropping by @joshuelmari

Taken using my iPhone 6 Plus
Camera Setting: Portrait setting/ HDR
Location: Philippines


It is better to start in a tiny thing then it will grow slowly. Payag ako sa tiny basta permi kaysa daku unya mawala hehehe

You are right, Sister as Big Things always starts in Tiny Things. Maayong ginagmay kay sa dagku dayon tapos mawala na parang bula.

It is important to pay attention to the little things, "because one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.”
Tuloy lang ate. keep on blogging.

Those tiny things have a much larger impact than we think