Hello Stemians, hello Steemit Achievers!
Here I am again to give you little updates about our newly created community #steemitachievers.
I am glad we are growing although slowly but at least there is a significant movement when it comes to the number of subscribers we have. I still encourage everyone to subscribe to #steemitachievers and together have some fun with the other members.
We also have contests once in a while and I hope that the little prizes we give will be of help in making your account a little stronger by powering up.
Today we already have 58 subscribers. I know and I believe that in no time it will grow gradually and tremendously, especially with the fact that we welcome #stemians from other countries too. This means that while the community is originated in the Philippines with members mostly Filipinos, we also welcome other nationalities to join us here on #steemitachievers.
Steemit Achievers Subscribers:
Image by kropekk_pl from Pixabay
And the following are our new subscribers:
And here are some of our recent posts you might want to visit and share some love:
Author: @loloy2020 - My Friend @jb123 Visits Me Today - Thank You Very Much
Author: @steemitachievers - The Pandemic: Story Series - 04 | MECQ Extended till June 30, 2021
Author: @steemitachievers - The Pandemic: Story Series - 03 | ECQ or not?
Author: @long888 - Write About Your Province and Win a total of 25 STEEM| Blog Writing Contest - 02 | ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS | 36 STEEM WERE GIVEN AWAY
Author: @diosarich - WWrite About Your Province and Win a total of 25 STEEM | Blog Writing Contest - 02 | DAVAO: THE PARADISE OF THE SOUTH
Author: @jenny018 - The Pandemic: Story Series - 01 (My craze over plants)
Author: @mediamastery - Hi every one
Author: @gorgingon - When I was a child