Hi friends I wanted to share with you my beautiful flowers. I have more flowers but I will show you that tomorrow, I apologize for not knowing about steemite when I planted it. The name of this beautiful flower is called Dedunija in Serbia. Not to lengthen here's a flower.
This is in front
This is from the front but it's a little closer
And this is a bud
That would be it from me see you tomorrow
Zdravo prijatelji ja sam zelela da podelim sa vama moje predivno cvece. Ja imam jos cveca ali to cu vam sutra pokazati, ja se izvinjavam sto nisam znala za steemit kada sam ga zasadila . Ime ovog prelepog cveta se zove u Srbiji se zove Dedunija. Da ne duzim evo ga cvet.
Ovo je spreda
Ovo je sa spreda ali je malo blize
i ovo je pupoljak
To bih bilo to od mene vidimo se sutra
[WhereIn Android]
bas je lepoo voleo bih ja da imam takvo jedno
imaces ima u cvecari