"Cultivating peace within yourself"
I am @akbarmia, from #Bangladesh
Yes, I think it is very important for peace of mind to forgive and free ourselves from resentment. We know forgiveness is a noble virtue. Forgiving someone gives us a good feeling in our mind, thereby giving us peace of mind. By forgiving, we can avoid anger, jealousy, resentment, etc.,., from oumindsnd towards others. We also know that only patient people succeed, so we should keep ourselves free from resentment. So I think if we can forgive someone and free ourselves from resentment, we will have peace of mind and peace of mind. This will create a good relationship between us, and we can keep ourselves free from depression; if we are free from depression, our risks of high blood pressure and heart disease will be reduced.
Yes, I agree with this question; I think we should set boundaries in our lives for peace of mind. Because the more demand a person has, the more busy, mental stress and physical stress he will have to take. As a result, he will not find peace of mind. The one who has fewer needs will be ahead in terms of peace of mind. So we have to prioritize ourselves in setting boundaries in our lives, having good relationships with people, establishing control over ourselves, avoiding unnecessary stress, etc. Then we will find peace in our hearts and get rid of the turmoil.
A man's inner peace is one of the joys of living. So here are some suggestions for inner peace from my side:
- Take care of yourself, know about yourself, and try to overcome your weaknesses.
- Forgiveness is a noble virtue, so learn to forgive others. As a result, good relations with others and peace of mind will be achieved.
- Setting boundaries in work and personal life. Because excess is one of the reasons that robs us of peace.
- Sleep regularly, eat healthy food, and exercise regularly.
- One of the ways to inner peace is to get close to nature; nature heals the human mind.
- Respecting others and practising religious knowledge. Appreciate others. Then you will get inner peace of mind.
- Keep yourself away from negative actions and people.
- Always work with confidence towards your goals.
Forgiveness and self-control are one of the means to peace of mind. I will share an incident of my life with you now. Let me tell you about a trivial incident that happened with our best friend. We had such a close friendship that we were not having a good time without each other, there was some kind of turmoil and depression in our minds. But due to anger and stubbornness, no one spoke to anyone for about seven days. Later I thought we were getting more and more confused, so I went to her myself and apologized. As a result, we became friends again. It seemed then that we had come back from a life of despair. So I think everyone should have a forgiving mindset.
I invited them to participate in the beautiful contest @ninapenda, @jyoti-thelight, @solaymann.
Hola amigo.
Fue un placer leer el testimonio que nos cuentas que tuviste con tu amiga, lo mejor que pudiste hacer fue pedir perdón fue lo mejor así estás en paz contigo mismo además de tenerlo con tu amiga.
Gracias por participar en el concurso 🤗