Dulce frumentum Vendit Bene, adorti mercatores et emptores

in Steem Venezuela2 months ago


Auxum aromata frumentum unum est eorum quae ab agricolis et negotiatoribus conquiruntur. Dulcia frumenta emptoribus inundat. Vendere bene post duos dies ante annum novum, dulce frumentum bene vendit.

Kramat Jati forum principale, West Krueng Manee exempli gratia. Hanc mercaturam emptores emunt, tum resale, tum ad edendum frumentum cum familia.


Negotiatores studiose omni novo anno hoc pacto suscipientes iam illum anticipant. Truncum para, fac posse emptores hanc mercaturam etiam obtinere.


Ad mercatum principale Krueng Mane frumentum ex variis regionibus importatur, praesertim regione media, Krueng Mane, pretium frumenti stabile est. Etiamsi petitio alta est, emptoribus qui vere frumentum emere volunt, optimum est frumentum in armario condere, quia si in armario mittas, recentius erit et diutius durabit. Si verbi gratia frumentum in cella temperie conditur, verendum est ne citius putrescet.


Non solum negotiatores, agricolae etiam fortuna perfunduntur. Agricolae in Ulee Coet area plantationis frumentariae, exempli gratia, exspectaverunt in acie ordinare frumentum dulce, quod post septimanam ante annum novum meti sunt. Re quidem vera pauci ad hortum emendum nominatim veniunt.



Quamvis alta pluvia, quibusdam artificiis et fertilizers, messis conservata est, defectus anticipari potuit.

Semper simul salvete.

Per @midiagam



Accompanying spices, corn is one of the things that is being raided by farmers and traders. Sweet corn is flooded with buyers. Selling well since two days before the new year, sweet corn is selling well.

Kramat Jati main market, West Krueng Manee for example. Buyers buy up this commodity, both to sell again, and to eat corn with family.


Welcoming every new year with enthusiasm like this, traders have anticipated. Prepare stock, make sure buyers can also get this commodity.


At the Krueng Mane main market, corn is brought in from various regions, especially the central region, Krueng Mane, the price of corn is stable. Although the demand is high, for buyers who really want to buy corn, it is better to store the corn in the refrigerator, because if it is put in the refrigerator it will be fresher, and last longer. If for example corn is stored at room temperature, it is feared that it will rot faster.


Not only traders, farmers are also flooded with fortune. Farmers in the Ulee Coet corn plantation area, for example, have been lining up to order their sweet corn since a week before the new year. In fact, many people come specifically to the garden to buy.



Although the rainfall was high, with certain techniques and fertilizers, the harvest was maintained, failures could be anticipated.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam



Menemani bumbu, jagung salah satu yang diserbu petani hingga pedagang. Jagung manis banjir pembeli. Laris manis sejak dua hari sebelum pergantian tahun, jagung manis laris manis.

Pasar induk kramat jati, Krueng Manee barat misalnya. Pembeli memborong komoditas ini, baik buat dijual lagi, pun buat jagung disantap bersama keluarga.


Menyambut antusias setiap tahun baru seperti in, para pedagang sudah mengantisipasi. Siapkan stok, pastikan pembeli bisa dapatkan pula komoditas ini.


Di pasar induk Krueng Mane, jagung didatangkan dari berbagai daerah, khususnya wilayah tengah, Krueng Mane, harga jagung stabil. Meski tinggi permintaannya, untuk pembeli yang memang ingin membeli jagung, sebaiknya jagung disimpan di lemari pendingin, karena apabila ditaruh dikamar pendingin akan lebih fresh, lebih tahan lama lagi. Kalau misalnya jagung disimpan disuhu ruangan, ditakutkan akan lebih cepat membusuk.


Bukan hanya pedagang, petani pun banjir rejeki. Petani dikawasan perkebunan jagung Ulee Coet misalnya, jagung manis hasil panennya sejak sepekan sebelum pergantian tahun, antri dipesan. Bahkan tak sedikit yang khusus datang ke kebun buat membeli.



Meski curah hujan sempat tinggi, dengan tehnik dan pupuk tertentu, panen tetap terjaga, gagal dapat terantisipasi.

Salam kompak selalu.

By @midiagam

 2 months ago 

Saludos @midiagam

Te invito a verificarte en la comunidad


No es necesario que escribas en varios idiomas en un solo idioma está bien.


 2 months ago 

Ok friend, thanks you.