Improve your life by making your own decisions.

in Steem Venezuela4 months ago

I am @shadow04
From #bangladesh🇧🇩

❤️ Dear Friends ❤️

The rise or fall of a person depends mainly on the person's life. Man is the best creature in creation. There is no other creature in this world as talented as man. And only man can use his talent to make this world beautiful, move forward to a beautiful golden future ahead.


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However, before changing the shape and color of the world, each of us must change our position. That is to say, one should improve one's situation through hard work. People can do anything they want. Just think about a few hundred years ago, people only dreamed of flying in the sky, but they never wanted to fly with their own wings, they wanted an elephant or some big animal to fly and they would ride on its back to travel in the sky. However, this thought changed when they Started imagining their own wings, wanting to fly in the sky with their own wings, after that, after crossing a huge narrow road, people were able to make planes and now they also fly like birds.

We all should always have faith and trust in ourselves. Remember "

When it's dark, your own shadow leaves you, and the people close to you don't care"
. So you need to have all kinds of tools ready to survive on your own. Never hurt yourself when someone leaves you. Instead, change yourself so much that the people who leave you regret it.

Famous Oprah Winfrey said, "Life's difficult situations can break you down, or build you up again. It's up to you which one you choose."

So, always believe in yourself and free yourself from the problem by facing difficult situations calmly.

🔰Thanks for your valuable time 🔰




Honorable @memamun brother,,
Thanks for your valuable support. 🤗🤗

 4 months ago 

Hola @shadow04

Gracias por publicar en la Comunidad Steem Venezuela. A continuación el resumen de la revisión de su publicación:

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Verification date:
November 09, 2024


Observaciones/ Recomendaciones:

  • Le invitamos a seguir creando contenido de calidad, así como apoyar e interactuar con otros.

Verificado por: @anasuleidy

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