The Diary Game: The African child / My Daily work schedule/ A surprise birthday party

in Steem Cameroon4 months ago (edited)

Africa is known for its richness in raw materials and also really impressive individual talent. That's why there's a great call on the Government to see the need to invest in the youth and younger generations because they acquire great skills which can only be showcased if they're brought to the lamplight. Below is a rare picture of this young boy who has built a car just with plastic bottles and other apparatus.Each and everyone of us is unique in one way or the other but most don't find out this except through motivation or other forms.
Everything about this is just so beautiful and extremely amazing. There's much talent and stakeholders should do something to exploit this for the betterment of the youth and the state aswell. This kid is a genius at his age and should go a long way from here.

My daily work routine is research and findings. It's not easy because nothing in life comes easy. It's brain tiring and exhausting but will pay off for the better. I go to work at 8:am , go for a break at 12:000 noon and I'm back home at 5:00 pm. You see I've come to realize this aspect about life that states that a busy and working mind does not have time for trivialities and keeps away from unecessary company.
Everytime I am at work I learn something new which means that keeping yourself occupied with the right company , thoughts and activities makes you a better person. Working everyday to realize my project goals.
At my workplace today we decided to give our friend a surprise birthday party. We contributed 5000frs each and it was all fun and exciting. She was so so happy and mesmerized by such a show of kindness and love.

We had some chewables like fried chips, can drinks and a very nice cake which she cut and was shared to everyone present and the day went on so well.
Later on, I concluded my day with a mind concentration task and practice where I had to recall all what I've done for the day and reprocess it, and also concentrate on something for mind strength. Making my mind strong, intense , able to store data or information.
It's quite a refreshing and important practice to make part of you. You will realize that you can manage information better than everyone else. Especially when playing a meditative solemn song to south your emotions and bring you to total quietness, concentration and serenity.
