 27 days ago 

Good morning @fombae


Before writing #club75 I checked here

 26 days ago 

I understand why you think you are of the #club75. But I still clarify that you are NOT because you were not active on the platform. You want to take advantage of the STEEM you power up, which was never equivalent to your withdrawal. So give your account some credibility and respect an eligible club status.

 26 days ago 

Sir @fombae, what is the criteria for being in #club75?

 26 days ago (edited)

I know the criteria, and I know when you actively came back to the platform.

In the last 30 days


In the last 60 days


 26 days ago 

Being in #club75 doesn't require me to be active I don't know why you deem my actions as a trick sir because I haven't done anything wrong. These confrontation is uncalled for.

 26 days ago (edited)

It requires you to be active. You are trying to take advantage of a period you were dormant and never powered up during that period.

You are #club5050 not #club75 for now

 26 days ago 

I'm sorry but according to my check on


It shows that I'm in #club75 thanks for your concern but I'll continue using that hashtag.

 26 days ago 

I see you are not willing to learn. It shows so far you do not have any understanding of my comments.

I'm using

 26 days ago 

I'm sure it specifies that you have to power up STEEM within the period of 2 months which I did.

 26 days ago 

Were you active during this period? or you are using it to trick an added percentage of votes