Get gain an insight from : My ( 04) Unfolded Nature Of Family TypessteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroonlast year

designed with texts on photo mobile app


Hello There ,

Kind and an esteem regards to each and everyone Steemian's ,My sincere regards to Steem Cameroon Community and Steemit ecosystem at large.

Here I personally want to bring about that , side of family . That , we might already be part of but might not actually get thought towards such direction as am about to get them unfolded.

When talking about human meaningfully , we should as well get talk about family.

And whenever do take family into an equation , as per human desires to get ascertain the specified types of conventional family. Known as nuclear , extended and compound family .

Then such an individual should be way curious to think towards , family in relations to human race and dealings. Even on such as am about to get them unfolded as would be seen as am progressing here.

About The Nature Of Unfolded Types Of Family

Reality is I got thinking through our normal wider known family types . There slightly got stuck on family definition .

All do know that , family is make up of father's , mother's and children . That primarily , while on an extended and compound form . Then there would be an addition of both grand father's and mother's along great grand father's and mother's , relatives and all of that.

Then I get thought on an origin of a family ,from which marriage gets in.

There I define marriage , as is being widely known that . Marriage is the union between two people with an opposite gender , who by reasons best known to them gained their both parents consents to form a family . Upon an applicable rites observed.

Finally , that did formed a basis on my three mainly four unfolded family types . Seen as follows :

  • Family type by union
  • Family type by bloodline
  • Family type by oarth
  • Family by acknowledgement

Mainly the nature of this an unfolded types of family. Here I would get them brief as I have been already outline them as get seen above.

Family Type By Union

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The nature of family type by union mainly get measure up within the frame of marriage.

As only a man and woman of any given number , are quite capable for forming and get originated a family.

On such an initial or an origin stage where a man and woman had an applicable union , with no child or children. Serves as the basis of this very nature as now get unfolded.

Mainly a man and woman in relationship union, can as well serves as the nature here . Only with no child.

Family Type By Bloodline


When gets furthering from the origin stage , it's now time for a proper intended family. As the purpose of the coming together of a man and woman usually about starting a family and reproduces their own replica . Widely known as children.

Reality is at the initial or an origin stage . The man and woman were very neutral , but only get coexist base on love compatibility and some choice qualities. Among others personal reasons best known to those concerned.

However , the very nature of this family type . Is being mainly base on biological factor , of which due to manners . The woman would get conceived , beared within given month and delivered a child.

From there the manners continuing , so here the man and woman . Get become husband and wife , and further become father and mother.

This just to show that there are larger family , widely known as an extended family . Which involves both grand parents and grand children .

Family Type By Oarth


This nature of a family type usually get into like three main form. Which can be more like a public office family , business partnership and cultism.

Those set of three categories occupied the nature of this very family type.

Family Type By Acknowledgement

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The nature of this type of family basically has to do with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mainly , since he was a promised son with a definite purpose to redeemed the world of sins . By his precious blood and projected himself upon resurrection as The Redeemer , by his glorious father The I Am and The True Creator .

Such that , whosoever that would and will acknowledge him genuinely from his or her 💓 heart and mind . And confesses all form of personal wrong doing and forsake them , with an honest intention never to get back . To those bad and wrong doing . In which such person's , did get done or involved in passed days before date of personal acknowledgement.

When honestly ,genuinely or sincerely and open heartly done . Then such a person can be a bonafide part of a new family .

That mainly about , this very nature of family of only the true Christians . Who fear God and do serve him in truth and in righteousness. With no seeking of vain glory and personal interest.


The Bible serves and represent the main nature and centre of this very family.


@ steem-cameroon