in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

Hello Steaming Steemians, I hope you are all waxing strong💪 today.

As promised yesterday, we meet again for the second part of our PAD THE GIRL CHILD article. I hope part 1 was educative and timely as well. If so, then I'm quite certain y'all are impatiently waiting for what can be done in the midst of all this chaos caused by desperate manufacturers. For those who missed reading our first article on the subjet due to one reason or the other, you can find it here.

I'm quite sure after reading, questions popped up like;

  • How then do we know which sanitary pad is healthy?
  • Where can we find them?

Despite the fact that our shops and supermarkets are flooded with massively produced low quality sanitary pads, there are still a few conscientiously ethical producers who put the consumer first ahead of their production. Note that in order to produce anything of great quality, some extra cost must be incurred. The fact that ladies have grown to purchase their pads at a certain low cost without actually being aware of the consequences, when ever they are presented with a better one though slightly expensive, the general attitude is; It's expensive. Is this price just for pad? They quickly forget that this "just for pad" statement is the reason for most of the discomfort they face in their reproductive health, the reason some women can't even conceive, etc. I honestly think it's more expensive and painful to treat cervical cancer or any gynecological health issues caused by poorly made sanitary pads than to monthly invest in using good quality sanitary pads. Besides, health has no price tag.

Your body is your most priceless possession . . .so go take care of it.
- Jack Lalanne

You might find this funny but true; most ladies will easily and preferably spend tons of cash to procure for themselves wigs🦰, perfumes, jewelries📿 etc, which could even be lost, stolen or wouldn't bring anything significant to their health as opposed to spending a third of that amount in getting good quality sanitary pads that could last for a year, at the same time preserving their most priced possession, health.


Let's answer the questions asked earlier;


Eye opener👀: Due to the fact that we find poorly made sanitary pads every where and that most manufactures have taken pad consumers for granted, good manufacturers make it a duty to inform and educate on the extra they have put in to make their products the best for health, distinguishing them from the regular. This will always be metioned on their packing and adverts. So do not miss checking out🧐 those details when next you buy. If the pain isn't taken to educate, then believe me that's not❌ your sanitary pad.

Firstly, breathable, non permeable and biodegradable should be the characteristic feature of the bottom lining of your pad, describing the fact that it's leak proof, and not the plastic. Plastic prevents aeration and when discarded, it's environmentally unfriendly. Given that during menstruation the vagina area is humid and warm, this non breathable plastic traps moisture and heat, favoring the growth and proliferation of bacteria and yeast. Therefore, make sure that the aspect of non use of plastic is checked off✅. Settle for a sanitary pad with breathable, non permeable biodegradable layer at it's bottom layer. This will prevent any leakage and at the same time will permit the escape of heat, granting a more confortables, confident and relaxed feeling through out the period.

Secondly, the rate of absorption of any sanitary pad will depend on the quality of absorption material used. Pads with fluff pulp (bleached soft wood and papers) apart from the fact that they have dioxin (carcinogenic chemical used as bleach) in them, they equally are very less absorbent. That's the reason why a lady who uses these, will most at times change pads more than 2 or 3 times a day for fear of getting stained and discomfort. In the course of this they don't see the accrued cost this incurs🤔, just because it's not all spent at a go. Ladies, don't be fooled, you actually spend more using these. Settle for pure cotton pads and not fluff pulp pads.

Equally, go for charcoal infused pads. We all know charcoal is highly absorbent and equally antibacterial. Our grand mothers knew this when they usually dropped some charcoal in a pot or soup that was getting sour and like magic the soup will become good again. This was simply because the charcoal absorbed and neutralized all the bacteria that was causing the soup to get sour. In like manner, these charcoal pads will absorb and neutralize any bacteria leaving the user confortable and with no smells.

Some of these pads are washable or reusable. Some can be resused for a period of about 3 to 5 years if well cared for. All you need do is wash well, sun (sunlight is a perfect👌 sanitizer) and store in a clean place.


Despite the fact that poorly made sanitary pads are flooded all around us, we still have a few good brands that have distinguish themselves and stood out as good and healthy brands. Testimonies from users speak for themselves. One of such brands is LONGRICH BIOSCIENCE INTERNATIONAL with their Suberpklean Magnetic Sanitary Napkins

  • These napkins are made of pure cotton ensuring comfort and absorbabilty. They can be used for very long hours without fear of stain or discomfort.
  • They are of different sizes allowing to be used differently by different persons or at different stages of menstrual flow; heavy, medium and mini flows.
  • The bottom layer is made of a breathable, non permeable and biodegradable sheath. This allows for heat escape, prevents leakage and also environmentally friendly.
  • They have gone further to anticipate by including a medical strip incorporated with anion which destroys bacteria. This prevents any issues of blood degradation and smell and treats any prior infections to use. This strip equally contains far-infrared (infrared radiation adapted to the skin) which helps in reducing pains and inflammations. Also incorporated, is magnetism which serves to pull out any unwanted bodies from the reproductive organ such as growths, fibroids etc, thereby enhancing fertility.


This is why most ladies who have had the chance of using these sanitary napkins will never trade it for anything. There are equally numerous testimonies🔊 of ladies who have been treated from very minor gynecological bactera infections and growths to very serious ones like cervical cancer, just by using these sanitary napkins. This is just God inspired😇.

They are truely a little bit more expensive than the pooly manufactured ones, but are equally cost effective. It will be wiser to spend a little more and remain healthy or be treated than spend less and be not only uncomfortable but spend the money you would have spent on healthy pads in the hospital.

The good news is, right now and ending on the Saturday 12th of November 2022, the company has been on a campain to make accessible these amazing pads to every lady and girl child. During this period, for every carton of Superbklean sanitary pads bought, one other carton is given for free. A carton costs 51000frs and contains 19 packs of pads that can last for more than a year. This means you are indirectly buying one pack of comfort and health at 25500frs to be used for over 2 years. Isn't that amazing🤗?



For those who'll like to order and benefit from the promotion, though I urge all to do so, get to me via this link. My fellow men can equally buy for their daughters, wives, sisters, colleagues, and friends. This could be a very thoughtful end of year gift🎁. What do you think?

Dear Steemians, thank you as usual for always following. I hope this piece has been of great importance to someone. Let me know your views💭 in the comment sections. Dont forget to pad a girl child.

Blessed day❤