in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

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Hello Steaming Steemians, happy new month of November. Hopefully everyone is doing great today and set as we embark on bagging up all the amazing things this month will bring without fear.

Nowadays, there is a lot of dynamics and changes taking place around us and in our society as a whole. This is experienced in nearly all domains, such as in architecture, automobile, fashion, beauty, medicines, spirituality, technology, finance, nutrition, matrimony, just to mention these. This has sparked up the birth of creative and curious minds, a good number of whom are seeking ways and methods to make use of, exploit and move with these changes hoping to be up to date when the world around them takes the next "big" trajectory, and so as not to fall in the "had - I - Known" category. While this is happening, another even larger group of persons are hesitant and skeptical about whether to embrace these changes or not, whether it's real and sustainable or not, whether it's a scams or not. They silently hope to one day say "ahh, I told you" , when things turn sour for those who ventured or dared.

Only one word comes to mind when I try to fathom the attitude of the latter group; FEAR

Fear to me, is a psychological state of being where a person shows withdrawal, skepticism or reticence towards ideas, from speech, action and even venture, this, caused by a perceived threat of hurt, harm or disappointments.

I used the word "percieved" in my definition above because perception is subjective. Therefore, fear towards something is most often not an established fact that what is feared will eventually occur. If this is so, why then do most people bask and wallow in fear?

We have to understand that we have been pre-wired to fear from inception, as it helps us identify and avoid environmental threats to our safety. Notwithstanding, most have found this to be a "safe" place or comfort zone to nurture their laziness, inadequacies and shortcomings. Most often, the real damage feared is caused by inaction that has been enabled by fear.

George Addair rightly says in his quote that;

Everything you've ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.
-George Addair

One thing we should understand and which I strongly believe in, is the spiritual dimension of fear. I believe that you attract anything that you fear. Many will say fear is an emotion, Yes, that's very true, but i'll add that it's equally an energy. Let's borrow from the Law of Conservation of Energy;

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be transformed or transferred from one form to another.
-Émilie du Châtelet

Fear cannot be created (innate) nor destroyed. Once released from its store, it cannot be retrieved and therefore it must produce a result or an outcome. Having the understanding that the Universe is a very faithful system which will give you exactly what you request without alterations, according to the signal emitted (fear emotion or energy), you would therefore expect the exact picture of what you painted in your mind when you sent out the fear signal, emotion or energy as a response.

On a brighter side, fear could be a huge asset. This energy which already innately resides in us could be properly harnessed and directed for a favorable and rewarding response. Since we have learnt that the universe will dish out to us according to our emotional demands, we simply just need to have a twist of mind and an attitude readjustment towards our environmental occurrences; attitude precedes emotion and emotion determines the result.

With this understanding dear Steemian, I strongly believe we'll be better equipped to face the world we live in and the challenges it brings. We have the powers to do and undo. The question is, can you use your powers to bring about the desired or required outcome?

Thank you all for following me through and indulging some of these crazy thoughts that go on through my mind as I observe the world around me. While hoping to meet again soonest for more intriguing topics,

Have a blessed day.

 2 years ago 

Hello friend you have been missing .I hope all is well

 2 years ago 

Hey friend, yeah lately I've ben so up and about and I wasn't able to focus on writing.
Thank you for asking 😊
I hope you been doing great all along.

 2 years ago 

Okay welcome back

 2 years ago 

Thank you