MONOPOLY - Who Owns the World? by Tim Gielen
This documentary reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments... That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros ect..
This incredibly eye opening documentary reveals something astonishing: the majority of our world is owned by the very same people. Because of this they can control the entire world and impose their wicked agenda onto all of humanity. This is the time to expose them and to rise up as one to defend our freedom.
The name of the two companies who virtually owns the world’ are Vanguard and BlackRock. They are at the heart of the Deep State or Cabal. Their plan is the Great Reset where they want to enslave every human on earth.
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Wake up people before it is too late.
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Undoubtedly there is a cabal of rich individuals and organizations who own a very large part of the world's resources, where I don't agree is that their aim is a great reset, I am sorry to say this but this reset happened a long time ago and what we have is the belief that we are free, Free perhaps a few very primitive tribes in some remote locations, the rest of us not so much. But that is these elites biggest coup, having people believe they are actually free. And I always find it funny that Gates and Soros are always the main villains. Just as an exercise look up how much land the Catholic Church owns and what its value is, organizatiions like this one are the real rulers.
Great information and video! One of the first things to do to take back our lives is share info and protect our privacy! That's why I am back to Steemit and use Brave browser and encypted mail. We need to inform people! I'll share the video!