My Two Cents On The Steem/Tron Drama!! Firing Up My Old Witness @Block-Buster!

in DTube5 years ago (edited)

Even though my opinion may not be the popular one I feel it needs to be said.

Vote for my witness if you support me

Reposted from yesterday!!! Finally think I got it.

▶️ DTube

Hey Steemers!!! For those who don't know me I have been part of the Steem blockchain for almost 3 years now.

I have created tons of content over the years. Being here has allowed me to create music at a proffessional level. I funded the recording of my latest Album with money I earned on Steem. I also debut it exclusively on Steem.

I invested in various projects with earnings from Steem posts. Many of them were projects here on Steem and some were other crypto coins.

I ran @block-buster witness before running a server was affordable. During that time I ran into some pretty expensive mistakes including a $600 server bill which caught me by surprise. At the time I was cool with it because I earned enough posting on Steem to cover server costs. Steem started to decline in price and I just couldn't afford to pay the server. Sadly I disabled the witness and had to move on.

As the Steem price continued to go down it became harder and harder to pay my month to month living expenses. I started to look for a job while also powering down. By the time I worked my first shift at the tire yard I was on my last power down payment.

I continued to sporadically post on Steem while I tried to get my life in order. I may have not been posting daily but I never left. I always remained in the background and active on the discord servers.

A couple months back I started posting again on Steem not knowing exactly what direction I would take my blog in.

Enter Justin Sun

I felt like I had the best timing in the world. Anyone in the crypto world with half a brain knows who Justin Sun is. One month after making a decision to be active again a mega whale investor buys Steemit Inc the company and all assets own by them. I was pretty excited about it. I even made a post about it here

Around that time whispers started happening and fear began to infect many witnesses and stakeholders. They were scared that Justin Sun would start voting his own witnesses into the top 20 with his newly acquired stake. I made a post about about concerns the community was having here I remeained optimistic and really believed Justin Sun had our best interests at heart. I made a whole .13 cents on that post. Def was not the popular opinion at the time.

Enter The Soft Fork

The Soft Fork caught me by surprise as well as the entire community. Out of the thousands of users here only around 60 new what was going to happen. Before I go any further I just want to state that I am not a fan or supporter of that soft fork. You can see my response and opinion here
I believe no user on any chain should ever have their assets frozen in any way. There might be a couple reasons why such a thing would be deemed ok but I am not here to point each one out. Just know that freezing somebodies asset is a direct contradiction to what Blockchain stands for. Blockchain was born out of the necessity to give people legitimate owners of their money. It was born out of a necessity to fight the banks and corrupt global financial system. Therefore freezing assets will never fly in my book.

Which brings me to Justin's response. He reacted very aggressively and before I crucify his actions I put myself in his shoes. What would I do if 10 million dollars of asstes I legally own are frozen without provocation from my part? I would move Heaven and Earth to regain control of what rightfully belongs to me. Many users believe that @ned sold something that didn't belong to him. I don't agree. That stake belonged to Steemit Inc and still does. User believe @ned did not follow through with promises to support the community with the Steemit Inc stake. I don't agree. @Ned and Steemit Inc. did support the community over the years using that stake. Here's how. Monthly maintenance for Steem API's were paid by Steemit Inc and used by many of the big dapps. Dev salary for all the devs working at Steemit Inc. The same devs that updated and maintained the blockchain. Blockchain devs are not cheap they are pretty expensive. If you don't believe me look it up. Steemit Inc also supported many projects and dapps on Steem through a free delegation. Many of those dapps would not be around today had it not been for the large free delegations.

The list goes on and on. There could be an argument that maybe the support was not enough but to say that they didn't support the community is just ignorant. Everyone has their own agenda and perhaps some have not had theirs supported by Steemit Inc.

Do I think the Exchanges were wrong for powering up user funds? Hell yeah!!! That should have never happen. I blame the exchanges for doing something they ethically shouldn't have. You know how it goes not your keys not your crypto. I have to tip my hat to Justin for thinking outside of the box to address the situation. I only wish innocent users didn't have to be affected. Users should not have had their funds powered up without consent.

All is fair in War

If you freeze Bill Gates assets I can almost guarantee that you will lose the fight. Some fights are just not worth it if a better solution is available. The only reason Justin Sun didn't regain control of Steem before the Hive Hardforl was because the SCT community stepped in. I have to tip my hat to them as well. Their community cam together to stop what we all thought was the splitting of our community through voting in witnesses from both sides. Their community already had their witness votes proxied to @proxy.token. They had a couple demands and felt that their need were not being taken into consideration. Before Justin came into the Steem ecosystem the SCT community was already at odds with several witnesses and stakeholders. So the witness war gave them a voice. A voice that was heard far and wide on this blockchain.

Enter Hive

After days and weeks of going in circles talks were not accomplishing anything. So a decision was made by I still dont know who or whom to fork the Steem Chain. This wouldn't be a malicious fork but a Steem Clone. Where the forked chain would mirror all steem balances. All except for Steemit Inc's entire stake and those who were in favor of Justin. At the time of the announcement nobody really knew who else was going to be excluded from the knew fork.

Finally the list was released contain all the accounts that would be excluded in the Hard fork. The list was of users who were voting for Tron Witnesses including everyone in the SCT community. Which is about 5 million Steem Power worth of users. I feel that this is an attack on an entire community that was just trying to keep the blockchain together in a time where hardforks being implemented were threats from both sides.

On a good note any user who wants to join Hive and receive the airdrop can make an appeal and post it in the HPS system. If enough users upvote your proposal you can have your stake.

The beauty of Blockchain

I wish that instead of implementing the softfork witnesses would have just forked and created Hive the way they just did. The way I see it Justin won and our witnesses abandoned the promise they made to secure and protect the blockchain. Now we are left with a fragmented community scared to speak their mind.

Now you have the choice use either chain. I will not abandon Steem just because Hive exists. I will not ignore Hive because I am on Steem. I believe that we still have a chance to become the go to blockchain. Sure things are not perfect and we can work on them together.

Return of my @block-buster witness

With everything going on I felt that real witnesses were needed on the Steem blockchain. These days it is not as expensive to run a server as before. I have always been for the community and pledge to continue to support the community. @block-buster is currently running 22.5 and have yet to witness a block since returning. Every vote counts!! Vote @block-buster. A witness truly for the community.

Message to @justinsunsteemit

I believe that you want to see Steem succeed in being the go-to blockchain for content creators worldwide. I will continue to support Steem and am willing to work together with Steemit Inc to make this place great. Unlike some of the other nutcases on here I don't think you are a communist just because you are Chinese. I respect you and your culture and see no reason why this community can't grow under your leadership. I see that you and your team are voting in community witnesses. I must admit that lately I am only seeing Asian witnesses being supported. If we are going to work together we feel that all communities should be represented in the top 20. At the moment I don't see any American witnesses being supported. The @block-buster team is ready to deploy a backup server if we are ever voted into the top 20. As I stated in the video we have a very good marketing plan that can greatly benefit Steem which requires no cost. Just some leg work. If you support the Steem community than support our witness. Read our latest witness post here

In conclusion

For those who are still here I just want you to know that Steem Is Not Dead!!! If you want a witness that represents you than vote my witness @block-buster and let's make Steem great!!! Are you ready for Steem to finally get adopted by the masses? I am so let's get to work!!!

In case you don't want to leave Steemit to watch video

Vote @block-buster for Witness!!



I just feel that continuing supporting this platform is completely against the reason I got into cryptocurrency.
I have a huge respect for you but I've quit the highest paying job I have ever had because of my morals. It may pay off to support him, but at what cost?

I am not saying I will blindly support him. I am open to see what he will bring to the table. If users would have not abandoned the chain than he wouldn't be able to do the things he is doing now.

Will you be using Hive at all?

It will be fun to see both experiments play out, I think. And Justin Sun will probably divest of most of his Steem and Steemit, Inc. at some point, I would imagine, which would allow for even more of a re-set.

Steem and Hive are both economic engines that will never stop and both are an important part of the cryptocurrency industry now.

Honestly: I know I will cool off. Ill still post on Steem (if I don't get censored) but I will likely draw back, same with Dlive too

@ericwilson Hell yeah I will use both Chains!!!!

I am happy to hear that, I will be more than happy to support you over there as my sp (and desire) dwindle over here.

I understand that to an extent, but the question remains as to why he is still doing what he is doing.

I believe that Justin bought Steemit with little understanding beyond the fact that with the deal he would basically be in control of the blockchain. The Tron people didn't come up with the idea of a token swap by themselves. I also believe that the softfork changed his plans a little and forced him to learn the Steem blockchain. So even though the community is now somewhat fractured (I would say the overwhelming majority are supporting hive in some form), I think the soft fork saved Steem and laid the groundwork for Hive.

I do hope that non-Justin worshipping witnesses gain power and move to limit his ability to be the single controller of the blockchain, possibly by convincing him that it is a bad idea.

In the end, I think having direct competition will be beneficial for both chains. My focus will be with Hive as I believe that will yield a better experience in time.

welcome back