The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

in Steem Skillsharelast year

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Social Media in recent times have really become something like a necessity to almost all of us and I hardly see any new generation people without Social Media on their Smartphones and that is not necessarily a good thing in my opinion. Yes, there are indeed some benefits to having a Social Media presence but when you consider the big picture I believe it is doing more harm than good. The main impact of Social Media in my opinion lies in the Mental Health Department where it programs us subconsciously to keep being addicted to their Social Media Products.

Well, it is true that Social Media does indeed provide a platform for people to connect to other people even if they are from different continents but at the same time it also creates a sense of anxiety that feeds into our Insecurities. It also leads to depression, and sleep disturbances and these are proven facts from various different experiments.

Self Esteem is another thing that either takes a massive Hit or gets a huge boost depending upon the comments and likes you are getting in your Posts. This has a huge impact on how a person grows up in life whether it is with their heads held high or constantly in doubt of their existence.

The next point is Addiction which almost all of us are guilty of. Social Media is kind of addictive in nature and there is no point in hiding it as we keep scrolling on a feed thinking it was like 5 minutes and turns out it was like 50 minutes. Also whenever we hear a notification sound we instinctively have the urge to go check what it was and what Social Media Account it came from.


Even though Social Media has a lot of Negative effects on our life we can't ignore the fact that Social Media is indeed an integral part of our lives now. So we have to look for some other way and that would be the controlled use of Social Media.

I mean there are a lot of customizations that we can do to our Smartphones to make it so that there is little to no noise made when it comes to certain Apps. In my case, I have already made sure that I get minimum notifications from my Social Media Apps but then again I have way too many Apps on my Smartphone so I am now sorting my Apps and in my Primary Smartphone I will be only keeping the necessary Apps and all others will be shifted. Now, this is my personal procedure to tackle my Social Media Addiction and there are a number of other ways as well.
