Eres elegible para Club5050? Puedes usar la etiqueta? Aqui estan las respuestas!

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago (edited)

Are you eligible for Club5050.png

Hello dear friends

As you all know, there are new implementations to receive support from curators. It is important that you read the entire post so that you know how you should be governed from now on the platform and do not risk your support. We all have to belong to Club5050 to receive such support.

I have noticed endless doubts about it, so with this post I try to clarify all the concerns that I have witnessed. Therefore, I have created this special post so that you know if you are eligible for Club5050 and the proper use of the # Club5050 tag and how it benefits us all.

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What is Club5050?

It is a new modality created by @steemitblog for users to grow their Steem Power by turning on at least 50% of their rewards.

Before we had to do powerups of 50% of our rewards received during the last 7 days.

This has changed, as of November 1, 2021, it takes 1 calendar month (30 days). To make it easier for users who want to participate in the big monthly # Spud4steem Power Up.

So, we can accumulate our rewards from the last 30 days. Set aside 50% or more to perform a single Power Up that will serve to participate in Club5050 for a whole month.

And the remainder will be to withdraw or make transfers. Of course, this as long as the withdrawals never exceed 50% of our total rewards, if it is less than 50% much better.

This in order to:

  • Encourage growth as a Steem investor. Turning you into a saver for your future.

  • Support the sustainability of the platform, which is positive for everyone.

  • Have a lot of Steem Power to have the ability to provide and receive higher percentages of votes.

  • Receive additional benefit for curation by voting for good posts.

  • Increase your influence on the platform

  • Support the communities with your delegations, which generates something extra in Steem.

Belonging to Club5050 is very positive for us.

Total Ignition must always be equal to or greater than withdrawal or transfer.

For example: If I want to participate in Club5050 at the end of the month and I earned 30,000 Steem in reward, I must turn on at least 15,000 Steem or more and there is 15,000 Steem or less left for withdrawals.

How to join Club5050?

It is not complicated, it is only about setting aside 50% or more of our monthly rewards to turn them on and thus grow within the platform. There is also Club75 or Club100 for those who want to grow faster.

Otherwise, we should not use the tag #Club5050 in the posts until we do the corresponding power-up. If we have doubts, it is better to clarify them before making the mistake of using the Club5050, Club75 or Club100 label. This would be counterproductive, leading to the removal of support.

Therefore, in Steemit we have a wonderful tool that helps us to visualize everything related to our account. We can also obtain our Transfers or withdrawals and our Powerups by date range. To find out if we have turned on 50% or more during the last calendar month.

  • Let's go to

  • We write our ID

  • In the "Summary of Rewards" section, we can see what we have received during the last 30 days.


If we have not withdrawn anything from the wallet, we calculate 50% or more of the amount shown to us. And that's what we're going to turn on.

For example, in my case, 69.68 SBD / 2 = 34.84 corresponds to 50% to turn on. However, it is much better to Power Up more than 50%. The rest would be for expenses or if I want to light more.

How can I check if I am eligible for Club5050? it also has a tool called "Transfer Search" that shows us exactly how much we have withdrawn and powerups on in our wallet.


Withdrawals / Transfers

  1. Below is the option "Normal Transfers", that is to know about our Withdrawals / transfers in Steem and / or SBD.

  2. In the line "From" put our Steemit ID

  3. Enter the "Date Range" for the last 30 days. And we click "Search". The procedure is quick and easy.

In my case, the system does not allow me to select the automatic date, so I had to set it manually. If a hyphen is not allowed, place a period between the numbers to separate the year, month, and day.



As of the date indicated, the system shows that I have withdrawn 331,649 Steem in total.

How much we have lit

In the same window, we just press the first line and select "Transfer to Vesting". We leave the rest the same and press "Search"



In this case, the system shows that I have power up it 264,534 Steem

In summary, if I want to know how much is half of what I have withdrawn to compare, I divide the withdrawal amount by two

331.649 / 2 = 165.825

So my powerups outnumber withdrawals made by more than 50%.

331,649 Retired Steem - 264,534 Power Up = 67,115 == >> this amount is what I need to fill in to become 100% Power Up.

As I mentioned before, it is always advisable to turn on more than 50% of our rewards, so we will be calmer and our investment is greater.

Steem and SBD withdrawals / transfers

In the event that we have withdrawals / transfers in Steem and SBD, we only have to calculate the SBD with the market price to know how much it is equivalent in Steem and add.

To show the example I took the balances of our friend @zhanavic69


She has withdrawn 78,880 Steem + 30,836 SBD, so we went to the market to find out how much 30,836 SBD is in Steem


So, by the time of the query

30,836 SBD equals 359,160 Steem

359,160 Steem + 78,880 Steem = 438,040 Steem withdrawn

We compare that amount with our powerups of the last month, and we will know if we have turned on more than 50%.

Actually is a tool that saves us the trouble of going to the wallet to find out about each of our withdrawal and power up movements.

As you can see with this explanation we can carry out a better control of our rewards on the platform. Following the previous steps we will be ready to use the Club5050, Club75 or Club100 labels in each of our publications.

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I hope this information will be very useful to you, and get off to a good start in this new Steemit novelty.

With much love, he says goodbye @daytona475

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Hola Queridos amigos

Como todos saben hay nuevas implementaciones para recibir apoyo por parte de los curadores. Es importante que lea todo el post para que conozca como debe regirse de ahora en adelante en la plataforma y no arriesgue su apoyo. Todos tenemos que pertenecer al Club5050 para recibir tal apoyo.

He notado un sinfín de dudas al respecto, así que con este post intento aclarar todas las inquietudes que he presenciado. Por eso, he creado este post especial para que conozcan si son elegibles para Club5050 y el uso adecuado de la etiqueta #Club5050 y como nos beneficia a todos.

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Qué es Club5050?

Es una nueva modalidad creada por @steemitblog para que los usuarios hagan crecer sus Steem Power a través de Encender como mínimo el 50% de sus recompensas.

Antes debíamos Encender el 50% de nuestras recompensas recibidas durante los últimos 7 días. Esto ha cambiado, a partir del 01 de noviembre de 2021, se lleva a 1 mes (30 días) calendario. Para que así se haga más fácil para los usuarios que desean participar en el gran Encendido mensual #SPUD4STEEM.

Así que, podemos acumular nuestras recompensas de los últimos 30 días. Apartar el 50% o más para realizar un solo Encendido que nos servirá para participar en el Club5050 durante todo un mes. Y el restante será para retirar o realizar transferencias. Claro, esto siempre y cuando nuestros retiros jamás superen el 50% del total de nuestras recompensas, si es menos de 50% mucho mejor.

Esto con la finalidad de:

  • Ser grandes inversores de nuestras cuentas.
  • Apoyar la sostenibilidad de la plataforma, lo cual es positivo para todos.
  • Poseer muchos Steem Power para tener la capacidad de brindar y recibir mayores porcentajes de votos.
  • Recibir una ganancia extra por curación al votar por buenas publicaciones.
  • Aumentar nuestra influencia
  • Apoyar a las comunidades con nuestras delegaciones, lo cual nos genera algo extra en Steem.

Pertenecer a Club5050 es muy positivo para nosotros.

El Encendido total siempre debe ser igual o mayor al retiro o transferencia. Por ejemplo: Si deseo participar en el Club5050 a final de mes y gané en recompensa 30.000 Steem debo Encender como mínimo 15.000 Steem o más y queda 15.000 Steem o menos para retiros.

¿Cómo unirnos a Club5050?

No es complicado, solo se trata de apartar el 50% o más de nuestras recompensas mensuales para encenderlos y así crecer dentro de la plataforma. También están Club75 o Club100 para los que desean crecer más rápido.

De lo contrario, no debemos usar la etiqueta #Club5050 en las publicaciones hasta que hagamos el encendido correspondiente. Si tenemos dudas es mejor aclararlas antes de cometer el error de usar la etiqueta Club5050, Club75 o Club100. Esto sería contraproducente, conllevando a que nos eliminen el apoyo.

Por ello, en Steemit tenemos una maravillosa herramienta que nos ayuda a visualizar todo lo referente a nuestra cuenta. También podemos obtener por rango de fechas nuestras Transferencias o retiros y nuestros Powerups. Para conocer si hemos Encendido 50% o más durante el último mes calendario.

  • Así que, nos dirigimos a

  • Colocamos nuestro ID de Steemit

  • En el apartado **"Resumen de Recompensas" podemos visualizar lo que hemos recibido durante los últimos 30 días.


Si no hemos retirado nada de la wallet calculamos el 50% o más del monto que se nos muestra. Y eso es lo que vamos a Encender.

Por ejemplo en mi caso, 69.68 SBD / 2 = 34.84 corresponde al 50% a Encender. Sin embargo, es mucho mejor encender más del 50%. El restante sería para mis gastos o si deseo encender más.

¿Cómo puedo verificar si soy elegible para el Club5050? también posee una herramienta llamada "Transfers Search" que nos muestra exactamente cuanto hemos retirado y Encendido en nuestra wallet.



En la ventana a continuación aparece "Normal Transfers", eso es para saber acerca de nuestros Retiros/transferencias en Steem y/o SBD.

En el renglón "From" colocar nuestro ID de Steemit

Colocar el "Rango de Fecha" de los últimos 30 días. Y damos clic en "Search". El procedimiento es rápido y sencillo.

En mi caso, el sistema no me permite seleccionar la fecha automática así que tuve que colocarla manual. Si no permite usar el guion colocar un punto entre los números para separar año, mes, día.



Para la fecha indicada, el sistema me arroja que he retirado 331.649 Steem en total.

Conocer cuánto hemos Encendido

En la misma ventana, solo desplegamos el primer renglón y seleccionamos "Transfer To Vesting". Lo demás lo dejamos igual y oprimimos "Search"



En este caso, el sistema muestra que he encendido 264.534 Steem

En resumen, si deseo saber cuanto es la mitad de lo que he retirado para comparar, divido entre dos el monto de retiro

331.649 / 2 = 165.825

Por lo tanto, mis powerups superan en más de 50% a mis retiros.

331.649 Steem retirados - 264.534 Power Up = 67.115 ==>> este monto es el que me falta completar para llegar a ser Power Up 100%.

Como he mencionado antes, siempre es recomendable Encender más del 50% de nuestras recompensas, así estaremos más tranquilos y nuestra inversión es mayor.

Retiros/transferencias en Steem y SBD

En el caso de que tengamos retiros/transferencias en Steem y SBD, solo tenemos que calcular con el precio del mercado el SBD para saber cuanto equivale en Steem y sumar.

Para mostrar el ejemplo tomé los saldos de nuestra amiga @zhanavic69


Ella ha retirado 78.880 Steem + 30.836 SBD, así que nos dirigimos al mercado para saber cuanto es 30.836 SBD en Steem


Entonces, para el momento de la consulta

30.836 SBD equivale a 359.160 Steem

359.160 Steem + 78.880 Steem = 438.040 Steem retirados

Esa cantidad lo comparamos con nuestro powerups del último mes y sabremos si hemos Encendido más del 50%.

Realmente es una herramienta que nos ahorra el trabajo de ir a la wallet para saber de cada uno de nuestros movimientos de retiros y encendidos. Como pueden ver con esta explicación podemos llevar a cabo un mejor control de nuestras recompensas en la plataforma. Siguiendo los pasos anteriores estaremos listos para usar las etiquetas Club5050, Club75 o Club100 en cada una de nuestras publicaciones.

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Espero que esta información les sea de mucha utilidad, y comiencen con buen pie su transitar en esta nueva novedad de Steemit.

Con mucho cariño, se despide @daytona475

 3 years ago 

@daytona475 ..Thanks for bringing this up again. My question is,do we have to wait till the end of each month before using the club5050 tag or even make a post about our power ups? I need clarity on this. Thanks

Hi @lhorgic, if a user has more than 50% in Power Up, they can use the tag at any time. The user decides whether to perform a single monthly power-up or not, the important thing is to always have more than 50% in Power Up during the last 30 days. And it is not necessary to post for the ignitions, only if you participate in the Spud4steem, it is also optional anyway.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much @daytona475 ..this is comprehensive enough

Congratulations, your nice post has been upvoted by the steem.skillshare curation trail!
If you wish to join as well our trail and support our community, other users, and earn the curation reward, please check out this post:
steem.skillshare curation trail post


I appreciate and I think this post is of great help but I still don’t get it clear please, does it means I’ve have power up to be part of the #club5050?

 3 years ago 

Thanks 👍 @daytona475 for that wonderful insight.

You are doing well. I look forward to joining #club5050

Thank you!
I am glad that it is useful for you. How good you want to join club5050!

Have a nice day!

 3 years ago 

My pleasure 🤗🤗

You too

What a great explanation dear sister

I also often of using steemworld

Thank you! 😊

Thank you very much for informing us about this with great clarity.
Regards @cryptokethor

Thanks for this educative post. Most people don't know how to do this

I appreciate and I think this post is of great help but I still don’t get it clear please, does it means I’ve have power up to be part of the #club5050?

Hi thanks for reading. Regarding your question, let's say you have 6 Steem activated, that's very little. It would be better if you powerups the rest you have in your wallet (1SBD at least).

Please so does it mean I can’t use the club5050 for now ?

If you can use it only that with so little powerups you may not get support, so I suggested Turn on more

I’ve used all my Steem which was 6 for power up

It has 1.4 SBD you can change it to steem in the market and turn it on

Ok thank you but please I’ll need your assistance