Ein Anfang auf dieser Community: eines meiner Studentenwerke - one of my student works [DE EN]

in HIVE Austria5 years ago (edited)

Damit ich in Übung komme wie das funktioniert hier mit posting in Communities stelle ich eine schnelle Zeichnung vor die ich auf der Uni Lethbridge, Art Department machte, so ungefähr 1979/80. Es war eine kurze Pose, da musste man sehr schnell arbeiten (20 Minuten glaube ich, soweit ich mich erinnere).

In order to get into practice how it works here with posting in communities I present a quick drawing that I made at the University of Lethbridge, Art Department, around 1979/80. It was a short pose, because you had to work very quickly (I think 20 minutes as far as I can remember).


Im Hintergrund ist eine "gestische Zeichnung" eines Klassenkollegen-In (kann mich nicht erinnern, aber es waren größtenteils Mädels in meiner Klasse.

In the background is a "gestural drawing" of a classmate (I don't remember, but there were mostly girls in my class.

Und seit ich die Datei geöffnet habe, ist hier eine Skizze: Ich habe das im Unterricht gemacht, anstatt Notizen zu machen.

And since I got the file open, here is a scribble: I used to do that in class instead of taking notes.


I shared this blog on Facebook, and received a comment, to which I commented back - here is the tread:

XXX - That's a great drawing, Otto! So here is a little story...
Back in the 90s, an artist friend talked me into a figure drawing class. What she didn't tell me was that the models would be nude males. Now I love art portraying the human body, and grew up with a father who painted nudes. But this was something different and I am extremely demure. :-) So I am sitting drawing this nude guy, and he was very handsome and sexy looking. I find myself giggling, and probably blushing extensively. The model took on different poses every 20 minutes, so we had to draw fast. Then the model took a break.
So I am deeply engrossed in finishing my drawing, and I suddenly sense someone standing to the left of me. I turn to the left and find an "appendage" within inches of my face! He said "Wow, I really like that", referring to my drawing. I was giggling so hard I could even respond. I giggle about it now... gol! (giggle out loud)... :-D
· Reply · 1d
Otto Rapp
Otto Rapp haha - funny - I had a few gals like you in my class!
Thinking now about Ally McBeal, a episode in an art class with a male nude model (Ally and Renée in a sculpture class) when Renée, working on the groin part, said: "I need more clay"

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