Will social media in the future be censored?

in #hive2 years ago (edited)

Future Web3 social media platforms will be censorship-resistant.

The answer is no, the future of social media will NOT be censored.

It will feature social media platforms built on top of censorship-resistant Web3 protocols, such as what we currently have in the Hive blockchain.

The future of social media is Hive.

Technical censorship-resistance is the key

When we talk about a social media platform being censorship-resistant or not, all that matters is technical censorship-resistance.

It's all good and well when platform bosses promise that they won't censor their users.

But saying this means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

When push comes to shove regulators or worse... the police come knocking on their doors with threats of jail time if they don't comply, you can be sure that if they're able to push the delete button, then they will.

When it comes to censorship-resistance, all that matters is that your underlying protocol is decentralised enough for no single person to be able to censor content.

For any reason.

You can't have it both ways after all.

Hive is the future of social media

The decentralised Hive blockchain ticks all the boxes when it comes to being able to host technically censorship-resistant social media platforms in the future.

With an immutable blockchain at the base layer, true account ownership and censorship-resistance can be offered by social platforms built on top.

All roads lead to Hive.