
No, we do not know eachother. But I hear that you are a good guy and your project hope is an excellent thing. During the investigation, what they did to you and how you were treated came to the surface as evidence of how "they" operate. I thought it was important for you to understand what you were dealing with so I reached out to you. Many others have been abused and were left totally confused to why they were targeted and who was behind it. Many of them have personally thanked me for looking into the big who and why question, sadly the info points to a highly organized satanic mafia running the downvote button and everything else over there.

I'm going all in with Blurt now, cause they have the least centralization and no down-vote button which can be used to basically deplatform/demonotize anyone for any reason.

Have you put any thought into expanding project hope onto blurt?

Many people think blurt is ripe for mega growth at this stage.

Hi @world-travel-pro

I just had a chance to read your both recent comments.

But I hear that you are a good guy and your project hope is an excellent thing.

Its a pleasure to hear such a kind and encouraging words.

ps. I see that you're based in Thailand? I love it there. Im living next door: in Malaysia :)

ps.2. I've also noticed that your posts are downvoted on hive to zero. Sorry about it :(

Cheers, Piotr

Yes, Thailand is great. Malaysia is also a favorite of Mine.

No worries about them down voting me. We have both been viciously abused by the same people and others are noticing and taking action. We both seem to have a fine talent for turning lemons into lemonade and that is something we both can surely feel good about.

you mean that we know how to squeeze lemon, add water and suger and mix it? :)

Hahaha. Yes, it's really quite simple! :)