Hive Witness Update

in #hive4 years ago

Since the Tron purchase of Steemit a little over a month ago, I've written a number of different post drafts that I subsequently scrapped and never posted. It takes me a really long time to get my thoughts together and get them written down in a clear and understandable way, and things happened so fast over the past month that every time I finally got far enough along on a post draft the situation had changed such that a lot of what I had written was no longer relevant or applicable.

I've also been so swamped with work for Splinterlands (you have no idea how much stuff we are working on) and now we have this Corona virus mess to deal with and I just seem to be falling more and more behind on everything.

In spite of all that, a number of historic events have occurred - not only for the Steem blockchain, but for the entire blockchain space and decentralization movement. To say that I'm completely flabbergasted about what has taken place over the past month would be a huge understatement.

Never in a million years would I have guessed that major exchanges could be convinced/tricked into powering up their customers' STEEM to help take over the chain, that the Steem community would then rally to outvote the Steemit, Inc stake, or that the Steem community would be able to successfully get a forked chain up and running with so many tools and services available so quickly and get so many people to support it and move over (although Justin helped a lot with that last part).

Moving On

This will be my last post on the Steem blockchain. Going forward all of my personal activities will be focused on the Hive blockchain. Even though I don't post very often, I have put a lot of time into the Steem blockchain in other ways, from development to raising awareness, and all of that time and effort will be put towards the Hive blockchain going forward.

Like many people here, I have no interest in putting time and effort towards growing a platform that's not owned and run by its community. This is the same reason that I don't put time and effort into platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit, and now Steem falls into that same category.

Similarly, I have disabled my Steem witness and am running a Hive witness instead. I hope to be able to contribute to the growth and success of the Hive blockchain going forward and I am excited to have the opportunity to represent the stakeholders as a consensus witness on this new chain.

NOTE: I hope that it's clear that the above only applies to me personally, and not to Splinterlands. Splinterlands' plans since the hard fork have been posted here and are completely separate from what I (or @aggroed) may do personally.

The HIVE Token Airdrop

I would also like to say that I do not agree with the decision to exclude accounts other than those owned by Steemit, Inc. from the HIVE token airdrop. I want to be clear that my support of the Hive blockchain does not imply that I support that decision.

I understand the reasoning behind the decision, so you don't need to explain it to me, but I think that Hive is going to need all of the support that it can get in order for it to succeed and I know that a lot of people will not support it as a result of that decision - far more than just the ones who were directly affected by it.

I know that it may be hard, but I encourage everyone who was affected by or disagrees with that decision to try not to dismiss or discount the value of the entire Hive blockchain because of it. Just like Steem was greater than SteemIt (whose decisions I also regularly disagreed with), Hive is much greater than the group of people who created it.

What "Decentralization" Really Means

Finally, I want to talk a little bit about what "decentralization" really means, and who really has the power on the Hive blockchain. It's not the people who created it, it's not the top witnesses, it's the Hive Power holders. It's you.

I constantly hear people complaining about what the witnesses do, or don't do, or saying that it's "not decentralized" because "the witnesses control everything", but the reality is that the witnesses control very little. If the witnesses do anything that the stakeholders don't support, then the stakeholders can easily reverse it. The witnesses are completely beholden to the stakeholders, which is how it should be.

In the past many have countered the above by saying that there is nothing that the community can do because a very small number of stakeholders (@freedom in particular) have a controlling stake. I think that the events of the past month clearly demonstrate that this is no longer, and was never really the case. After the Steem takeover, thousands of smaller stakeholders came together with voting power worth multiples of @freedom and many other large stakeholders put together.

That's what decentralization really means. That's why the whole blockchain community is watching what happens here. We're showing the power of decentralization in action, and it's really, really hard because it requires a whole lot of people to actually give a shit about what's going on and to take action. Something that is very rare in the world today.

You may think that it's over now that Hive is launched, but in reality it's just getting started. Code can be changed. Past actions can be undone. A specific group of like-minded people may have created the Hive blockchain and gotten it started, but it's up to all of the stakeholders - it's up to all of you - to create its future.

I don't know about you, but I'm really excited to see how it turns out.


Sorry to say I won't be joining you on hive because of the blacklist, but I sincerely wish you well, and I respect your decision. You have been one of the single biggest assets for the Steem blockchain, and I remain grateful for your contributions.

Although I won't be there, I do hope that Hive succeeds and thrives. I'm disappointed that we started with a single, decentralized chain, and now find ourselves with two centralized ones instead. But, I am hopeful that after time passes and passions cool, maybe competition between the two chains can bring out the best in both of them.

I'm disappointed that we started with a single, decentralized chain, and now find ourselves with two centralized ones instead.

The reality is that Steem was never a decentralized chain. It only seemed that way because Steemit, Inc didn't use their stake for voting in the past. The community only controlled the Steem blockchain because Steemit, Inc let them, which is no different than Steemit, Inc just controlling it themselves.

Regarding Hive, the decisions made at the chain's creation don't have anything to do with whether the chain is decentralized or not. Anytime a blockchain is created its creators can code it to work however they want for any reason they want. It's only after it's launched that it can become decentralized and that is based on the token distribution in the case of a DPoS chain. That's what I was trying to explain in this post.

In any case, I did not expect you to persuade you to come over to Hive. I hope that I'll still run into you from time to time at events and things in the area (after the lockdown is over, of course).

i thought keychain was going to work with hive? but i cannot do anything when logging in with that? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ still working on it?

+1 on this blacklist was a huge mistake to start off with. Thanks for the update, you are pretty much the only one (along with @exyle) I can consistently relate to on this blockchain. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to everything that you guys are working on for Splinterlands.

Thank you for your perspective. I too feel that the airdrop should include all but the stinc stake and that the stinc stake should BURN!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I always supported a @theycallmedan as my witness proxy

And i was excited for hive too. Finally i realize my account was on blacklist. That made me very sad. What made my account to be listed on hive blacklist still surprise me.

happy to be leaving too, i always hated ned and the drama around him as an end user, we dont need a zuckerberg here.

Thanks for the update, and especially for speaking up against the blacklist. It's good to hear from a witness that he doesn't support it. Respect!
It's one of the things that makes me hesitant to get started on hive. No way I will stay on Steem, but imo the entire blacklist thing is so unfair that I'm still not sure I want to work with people who took that decision.

Just like Steem was greater than SteemIt (whose decisions I also regularly disagreed with), Hive is much greater than the group of people who created it.

You do have a point here, and you may have solved my issue with this sentence. Thanks for that. (And everything else you're doing)

Looking for ways to bring TRENDO Token Project to HIVE. This #Covid19 sh!t made me homelock for another week of time. Damn :(
Anyway thanks for this update!


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I believe @aggroed is working on a new Hive version of Steem Engine which will allow you to create and migrate your tokens there.

Thanks for your update and all your work here Matt. Will be voting for your witness on the 'other side.' I do share some sentiments as well about the account exclusion as well.. also the name I wish the name could have received a bit more consideration (HIVe) but at the end of the day it could be much worse. And definitely better than staying here... myself and a lot of others wanted to see things work out for the best for both parties with the tron acquisition, but I guess actions speak louder than words and at the end of the day people had a hard time trusting the character of Justin S. I don't think the soft fork was the best way of approaching things either but I can completely understand the reasoning for it as well. In any case, it's done. Onwards 👍

Everyone says that it was not right that some were excluded from the Airdrop, but nobody does anything about it. Starting a new chain with a blacklist is not good. I have chosen the Sun Witnesses and I stand by the decision. I thought the sun was good for the Steem. Now you can burn me at the stake.

No one is burning anyone at the stake. The people who didn't like what happened on Steem moved to Hive. Anyone who is happy with what is happening can stay on Steem. That's the beauty of this. People can choose which platform they prefer and no one is forced to go anywhere.

I see the HIVE coins I didn't get as compensation for copying my contributions and private pictures to another platform without being asked. Like many others I did not give my consent to this. But through a class action lawsuit you will surely get compensation for this copyright infringement.

I doubt it as it's still your content and your ownership. Nobody will be making anything from those posts except for you so i can't see where the case would come from.
There is an application process as far as i know to apply for a hive balance for anybody excluded in the initial airdrop so hopefully you will be able to claim some that way.

There were pictures, texts and videos of me, some of which were only created for the Steem platform, published on another platform without my permission. It must be clarified which right is valid here and who is liable for it. I am curious myself how this will end. The whole thing must also be known. Maybe this will have an impact on the course.

It does make for an interesting example. Without knowing copy-write laws I would argue that you still own the content on the other platform they are posted under you account which you have access to and will gain any rewards on them.

It is also still STEEM just a breakaway from the main chain into a new direction but everything existing on hive already is actually STEEM until now with rewards payed out on it. The same a viewing your content on or any of the other STEEM interfaces where STEEM blockchain can be accessed. Everything posted now is HIVE and your content won't be showing up on the chain going forward.

I can also see where you are coming from but don't know how strong an argument that is. It would be interesting to find out how it works as i'm not sure myself.

You can issue a takedown request to any websites that are publishing copyrighted content without permission.