Oh gosh! You play Hearthstone?? .. Well now... Time to dust off my mana crystals methinks, lol... Though you're probably on the EU server. I guess I could start all over again =)
I can relate to feeling sad about being away from what you know during Xmas time... This is my 9th Xmas in Brazil. I hope that you have at least madea friend or two in your time there so far? If not - well, I promise we can get on Discord and play Hearthstone for hours! ;P
And Lily! It's not the north pole, Lily! ;P And oh my gosh you're so cute in your little santa hat! ^-^
I do now. I used to play years ago I think when the game first came out, but then stopped soon after so never really got good at it. I am playing like an absolute noob and yes, on EU server.
Still to work on the irl friends here xD It is however lovely to have friends all over the world, with Steem uniting us :)
That made Lily blush. I missed drawing her.