Politics & why does it now seem to engulf nearly everyone!

How not to avoid politics.
Soooooo my mother came over for a 2 week holiday, we took in Krakow and a beautiful hotel named Hotel Columbus for anyone wishing to have a stay in Krakow. It is a short walk to old town and nightlife. Rated 3 star, I give it 5.
(Superb Indian restaurant opposite if you are that way inclined)
We agreed before my mother and her husband, my now stepfather arrived, to not talk politics at all. That lasted about 1 hour!.
First up was over 75's now having to pay for a BBC TV license!!!!! We had literally been sat in a bar for 3 minutes when this came up.
So the next hour was spent about talking with regards to the BBC and what a disgusting corporation of propaganda it is.
We agreed.
We visited the castle and of course the convo turned towards royals and where are they now. (Polish royal family)
This of course lead to a debate on why royals are actually needed in the UK, and on this we did not agree, as the oldies say they are good for tourism, my stance is there would be more tourism if the royals were not living in all those free accommodations.
I do not have enough hands or digits full stop to count the amount of times this came up in conversation.
And immigration too.
My mother votes con-servative, always has, and even though they love their liberal policies (the cons not my oldies) the oldies refuse to believe that the cons are in any way responsible for the sheer mess the UK is in.
If we take statistics on how long the cons have been in government over the last century (20th) you need to look no further with regards to who has turned the UK into a cesspit of hate, fear, division and soaring knife crimes!.....
No matter, it is all Labours fault came the reply, Devoid of reality?...............
And also the single most watched by the nanny state via cameras, country in the "world" Cameras that are never working it seems during any supposed terrorist event!..........
We took in 10 days in Zakopane with more of the same, Boris though was now on the menu as the buffoon became crime-minister!!!!!!.
Then back to the outskirts in Krakow for 3 days at a very picturesque - though run down hotel, which was located close enough to the departing airport so as not to miss the flight home (for the oldies).....
That was called Hotel Wolski, cheap and not so cheerful, in the middle of some woods, though with a fantastic Restaurant with a view 20 seconds away.
Not until the final night did we escape any form of politics, and here in lies the problem, it is not supposed to infect us, they are supposed to be "public servants" who are held to account by the public when they fail. Not celebrities who are full of shit, and lie to maintain the outdated status quo.
The current system is out of date, poli-ticians are no longer fit for purpose when they infect everyone's minds with their filth, their perversions, and their lack of any form of moral dignity.
One day soon and in a flash, all these protests from France, to Russia and including Hong Kong, may finally oust the old order of privilege for the few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you are having a great day, 32c here and bathed in that stuff called "sunshine"................
(One moment that stood out for me, was the 20 minutes the oldies stood outside a cannabis shop for it to open, just for me. :-)
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Sure is hard to escape politics as they just keep making life more difficult every day 😡. Hope you had good times with your mother and stepfather.
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Agreed, and yes, it was great to have a break away from everything and be waited on for a few weeks.
Cheers Bro.
I hope your daughter had some 'granny' time with your mother.
I've never been to Poland, so I was rather surprised to see the above pic with mountains (or did you borrow them from Austria?)
Indeed she did, and that is her in goal on the photo, we were in Zakopane Poland.
My mom and step father were paying football with her in the mountains.